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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    I'm fucked

    I live on Lake Sammamish and have three kayaks and a 16' Rebel sailboat. I come home from work and have to decide if I'm going to run, paddle, or sail first. Neener, neener.
  2. Yeah. I never know when I'm gonna get hungry.
  3. Bug


    Any head lice, crabs, or VD?
  4. Bug


    Up in Little Yosemite Valley, two friends and I squatted outside the regular camps. We hung our food up in a tree. Yogi and BooBoo fought over it all eveningt and one of them finally fell out of the tree, broke a branch, and got to our food. Then there was a feeding frenzy as they and two other bears fought and rustled around for it. They spent the rest of the night circling our camp growling at each other.
  5. Bug

    John Frieh

    I read all your tr's john. They seem pretty straight forward to me. Being on a hard route defies description if you cannot say, "it was hard".
  6. Bug


    Griz can travel 50 mile in an casual day.
  7. Some of us resemble that remark. But at least we try.
  8. Bug


    I saw a nice cinnimon black bear up the Stuart Lk Trail a couple years ago. They are popping out of their dens right about now. Unless they didn't hibernate which is the case in warmer (west side) climates. I have been charged a few times in Montana. Treed a dozen times for safety. And treed by moose a few times too. The scariest time was up the Yack, on the west side of Glacier park. A small, 90-120 lb black bear stalked me for a mile and then charged me for 100 yards full blast. He was probably two years old and had never seen a human before. At that age they are often cut off by their mothers so he was hungry too. I was in a huge clearing with no place to go. He ran up to within 15 feet of me when I charged him. I yelled as loud and mean as I could. I had my knife out and was ready to go down fighting. He was going to eat me if I didn't. He sat down and sniffed the air. My mind was racing. I realized that I could not give him time to gather his courage. I charged him again coming within 5 feet of him. He took off at top speed and dissappeared into the forest. The adrenaline was intense. I was half way back to camp before I realized I was walking still holding the knife.
  9. Shoshone Direct 5 pitches, 5.9 Flathead SF/Ballard-Evringham Route 10 pitches, 5.10b The Red Tower on the Prow, 7 pitches 5.11a
  10. It was gud. Ate sausage. Watched slides. Bought some of AF's gear and a snarg from Mattp. Met some great folks I'd been PM'n forever (Arch really is hot). And Feck was very polite when he told me he "didn't care much for me".
  11. Bug

    Not Ivan.

    Amanita Muscaria. No. I ate them once in AK 25 years ago and was not impressed. They are a mild toxin, not a hallucinagenic. It is similar to hyper-ventilating. I just liked the specimine and snapped a pic that turned out great. It is even better on full screen.
  12. Bug

    Not Ivan.

    Sorry I'm late. And Ivan, I know you don't do drugs anymore. As for the lab coats, well, LSD was created by your parents' tax dollars. Wait, probably most of you would call them grandparents. But the point is, it was guys in lab coats and clipboards who conjured up LSD.
  13. Bug

    how not to rappel

    "OK that's real good"!!!??? Try it again. Before you reproduce.
  14. and yet somehow your race produces such delicate ballerinas! curious... You mean the ones with 27 inch thighs?
  15. If you take my poles my knees will hate you. Yours already do.
  16. I volunteer a name, "Outhouse".
  17. Please be careful to remove all plastic shavings you may have left on the bolts and elsewhere.
  18. I am heading over there from Redmond at about 5:30. Anyone need a ride???
  19. Ahhhhh Moab. On my first trip down there, (80?), we climbed for five or six days straight then went into Moab for supplies. We were sitting on the tailgate in the grocery store parking lot eating a carton of icecream when a ranger dude rode up on his bike and invited us to his hot tub party that night. WOO-HOO! After a shower and a few beers, I made my way into the tub sandwitched between two gorgeous naked park interns. My friend Kurt liked one of them and tried to get in on it so we had a little serious competition going for awhile until the one kurt liked needed to leave. Kurt graciously volunteered to drive her home and there I was with a naked Wonderwoman. After a couple hours, Kurt returned alone and very dejected. Her ex-husband was there when they arrived. I dared not speak of it for the rest of the trip. Dirtbag? Only if the fit shoos.
  20. Is that a maple leaf in no 1? He's screwed.
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