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Everything posted by allison

  2. allison

    What is that SMELL?

    Why isn';t any one paying attention to US Fuckin' DORKS
  3. Looks like you are the one on the short bus if you took that detour!
  4. Dru are you sure you are man enough to cal me tkitty
  5. I guess muffy Doesn't realy need a say now does she
  6. Muffy isn't visting sealtle as much as seatle is visiting Muffy
  7. well I couldn't say who could tie his laces fater btween Cavey and Layton But ALyton would sure look cute doing it
  8. I'm wondering how the Mole got between Prusik Peak and Toketie Wall. You have to get on top of Edward Mesa to be over by the Mole, and that is not right by Toketie Wall. Also curious as to if anyone has been to Ed Mesa via the drainage slumping to the E of said mesa, unnamed and has no named creek. It appears to be the way up, both from the road and from the top. Please respond or PM. Otherwise I will be forced to endure the heinous bushwhack.
  9. *just to clarify* I am asking about AT in particular, not tele.
  10. Food=good Parking=good ability to soak up 20 climbers =hopefully good on a Tuesday Smoke factor=good on this particular Friday, but could be an issue we will need to do it and see
  11. So I'ze sitting on the chairlift today with an 11 year old friend of mine, looking waaay over to the left of the High Campbell chair, like two bowls over, thinking to myself.....(ya think she'd notice if I lost her for a few runs and went up top) I mean, uh, well, why can't ya mount AT bindings on regular alpine skis? I've only skied on AT gear one time so far, but one of the things I found icky was the, well, flimsiness of the whole deal. So why couldn't you take the best of both worlds with a pair of lightweight downhill skis and fit them up? Tell me, People of AT, what would be the disadvantage to this? If it was only about weight and nothing else, I might consider doing this. As a veteran lift-serviced skier, I am really, really accustomed to more stability out of my gear, and my style of skiing reflects it. And for what it's worth, my young friend cruised Lower Exterminator like it was the bunny hill, so next time we go, I'm taking her up top. The easier runs off of High Campbell are easier than that nasty thing!
  12. I've got to gets me gear all ready to get out again tomorrow, so if you all are still drinking maybe 8:30 or 9, I'll see you there.
  13. Muffy and I are scheduled for Backcountry Mud Wrestling this July, but it is just training for when we need to do some serious ass-whooping.
  14. I know it is necessary to carry 40# for some things, but in many cases it is easy to be under 30#, including overnight stuff and climbing gear. I just hate to see people carrying more than they need.
  15. Dang, that seems like a lot! Is this for the Army or something?
  16. Yep, it's me, in the SNOW with the Patron Saint of cc.com...hadda get the picture taken just for Dwayner....and no it was not our wedding day....I think Lou is taken.
  17. Rurp, you humorless sack of bombast, Did you fail to notice that I am smiling in all of the pictures too? Your pal, Allison
  18. That is just me saying "cc.com is NUMBER ONE!"
  19. What should our girl in Eugene call herself?
  20. Correction: I did quit, 39 days ago. There are a few PCers who smoke, but it has been a practice to go outside, or at least away from our table, to do so. The Red Door allows smoking in part of the place, and is not ever offensively smoky. I think we would never fit in that place though. I believe it to now be out collective responsiblity to find and identify some places that fit our criteria: non- or low-smoking cheap grub cheap brew decent service enough room for 20 people Now let's get to work, people!
  21. Gotta second that all, the smoke wasn't too bad when I got there, but by the time I left, it was thick. Moooommmyyy!!!! I have to admit having an excellent time in the face of said adversity though!
  22. Exited the Enchantments via Toketie Lk and its approach last August. It was absolutely heinous. Really, really nasty sheehot. Rocks not big enough to hold your weight covered in ash, very slippery. Very steep trail through dead burnt snags. The vibrations of our footfall caused about a half dozen of these trees to fall like matchsticks right behind me (I was in the back), it was absolutely terrifying. I had a nice light load, and am not a wimp about crappy trails, and that approach SUCKS. If your trip planning allows it, take the Temple Cyn approach from Nada Lake. It is way fun and good. Beckey lies about that approach. Wish I had it in me to climb big things like the Toketie Wall, 'cuz it looked awesome. Absolutely so.
  23. Trasky, I think you might have me confused with Trish Fox.
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