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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. Mmmm, heading down all the way to Brazil?
  2. I can't afford to be poor.
  3. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903285704576562370929380678.html
  4. Put in, take out.
  5. "Joe Blow Climber MUST have been lying to throw me off, that face looks SOOOO good from a distance".
  6. The interesting part is why so many (4? 5?) parties have made exactly the same mistake and bailed from the same point. I mean do they thing the magical choss fairy is going to have come along and waved her magic wand and turned the upper face into flawless diamond stone complete with two inch splitter cracks?
  7. Presumably the Steinbok story is that they bailed from or just above the offwidth on the east face where the rock turns to dangerously loose munge ie. where every other party that has tried the east face has also bailed from.
  8. G-spotter

    Union Thugery

    Union Corse
  9. Don't wear Windstopper. It sucks. There, problem solved.
  10. G-spotter


    "A different kind of company, a different kind of car". Translation. We made a car that looks like someone who had heard about, but never seen, a Japanese car might make if they tried to copy a Japanese car. It still sucks just like other North American cars."
  11. The actual story as related to me by Guy is that they went in to free Pillar of Pi and it started raining so they soloed up the east ridge of Rexford and down into Nesakwatch Creek. The rain then stopped so they soloed the NE buttress on Slesse. It was during this trip that Guy scoped out the line that became The Real McKim, which deviates right from low on Navigator to the top of the East Buttress in search of better-looking rock.
  12. View west is the Manatee group, with Wahoo Tower etc. View NW is over the Sorcerer/Griswold Pass area to the high peaks of the Monmouth area at the north end of the Lillooet/Bridge Icecap in the far distance
  13. There will be a special collector's edition printed in HB pencil on napkins.
  14. If you're going to carry a piece you know you aren't going to use, it may as well be junk so that you don't inadvertently decide to use it.
  15. No it's not. Highs to +32C here this week.
  16. Or you could just climb on double ropes and never have to worry about this retarded skinny rap cord management
  17. Say you have an ice-filled crack that's too narrow to build an Abalakov, you could place one of these and leave it as a bail screw. That's about the only place they are any good.
  18. G-spotter

    UBB Buddies

    I blocked you on Google Plus. How do I block you on UBB Buddies?
  19. G-spotter

    UBB Buddies

  20. On the scale of funny things I read today that is right up there with "a few years ago Colorado had the only legitimate alpine bouldering in the USA"
  21. Looks like weather should improve Saturday, although a friend told me there was fresh snow down to about 2500m on the peaks around Golden this morning http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-34_metric_e.html
  22. I didn't know RuPaul owned Walmart?
  23. 90% of people will not post this status update because they were eaten by dragons.
  24. MCR for recent conditions http://www.acmg.ca/mcr/archives.asp
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