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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. see Squamishclimbing.com for pics of the serac from last week
  2. Bill, if you were a Canadian I'd emigrate.
  3. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2011/08/users-treat-criticism-of-favorite-brands-as-threat-to-self-image.ars Although this article is written about tech brands I see obvious parallels with climbing brands and gear junkies.
  4. Have you ever SEEN or HEARD a Quebecois and a Francais put in the same place? The sniping is constant. Her: "We don't say that in French." Him: "I'm speaking French you stupid bitch!"
  5. Was coming down from a climb of Cathedral Peak's SE buttress when we found a single Mythos sitting on a chockstone in a squeeze chimney on the West Ridge route. It had obviously been there a while as it was somewhat snaffle chewed and the metal eyelets had rusted. Some of the rubber was in great shape but it has had a couple of resole/rerand jobs and had a big hole in the instep at the toe. I carefully carried it down as far as the pass above Cathedral Lakes and then figured no one would want the damaged goods back so I left it on a rock in the pass to amuse the horse-packers. It's probably still there if you want it.
  6. 2 pages and no "sport climbing is rape" analogy? slipping. very weak these sprayers.
  7. Remember back when cascadeclimbers was cool?
  8. From comments heard in Britain it sounds like the English hate what the Americans have done to our common tongue as well. But that has nothing to do with dudes who give their ex-wives boulders! From the pic it looks like she may already own some boulder holders?
  9. It looks pretty slabby but who knows what's on the other side.
  10. The French way: http://www.cbc.ca/news/offbeat/story/2011/08/15/quebec-mayor-boulder-ex-wife.html
  11. I don't know what you are talking about?
  12. The logs on the crossing are still in place. Your friends were likely mistakenly using the old trail http://www.clubtread.com/sforum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=40475
  13. Photo hotlinking is disabled so I can't post it but here's a pic from August 7. Note serac near base of buttress
  14. G-spotter

    Double Dip

    Triple A to double A. Pretty soon you'll be using D cells.
  15. I'd figured that they were even lighter than Bros, so thanks for that heads up. The Raccoon has left the building. Even assuming you means 576 g (just over a pound) for a c4#6 and not 5576 g (~eleven pounds), a gipsy is lighter than a #6, not the other way round by the numbers you post but you then say the opposite. your math doesn't add up in any way, shape or form. also note billcoe took these numbers as straight dope and posted them, errors and all, on a bunch of other places round the internet.
  16. Here's the most recent pic I could find. Distant shot from Cheam Range, July 29
  17. I don't have any recent photos but the steep stuff on the NEB is probably snowfree and there's still gonna be snow on the bivi ledge. I think the cornice on the summit finally fell off a week or two ago.
  18. Yep blackie is the same size as the blue TCU. Never used the white one. I think it's too small for my fingers to manipulate. #3 is too heavy for how big it is, but i use the 2.5 a lot. I've left a couple 2.5s behind as rap anchors.
  19. I remember these things being reviewed in R&I in the 90s and supposedly they weren't all that great back then. Not sure i remember why exactly but I think it's because they aren't springloaded. You might have to weight the biner with some other gear to keep them stable?
  20. Up till last year (this spring actually) there was only one Cierzo. Now there are three and they aren't the same things at all. You can still buy some of the old ones at the factory store I think.
  22. http://www.climbing.com/news/hotflashes/peewee_repeats_desperate_514_vedauwoo_crack/ The most impressive part of this is the way he places it relative to all the other route he has done or tried. I can remember from a few years back when many of the routes on the list were unrepeated. Maybe Raindawg will chime in and claim these are all sport climbs cause they weren't done onsight, or some hooey like that.
  23. Except for that Metolius one that clips on to your harness
  24. Sure is, nodder
  25. G-nodder
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