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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. G-spotter


    I'm a vampire, baby, suckin' blood from the earth I'm a vampire, baby, suckin' blood from the earth. Well, I'm a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth. I'm a black bat, babe, bangin' on your window pane I'm a black bat, baby, bangin' on your window pane. Well, I'm a black bat, babe, I need my high octane. Good times are comin', I hear it everywhere I go Good times are comin', I hear it everywhere I go. Good times are comin', but they sure comin' slow. I'm a vampire, babe, suckin' blood from the earth I'm a vampire, baby, suckin' blood from the earth. Well, I'm a vampire, babe, sell you twenty barrels worth. Good times are comin'.
  2. OK Rudy, I'm quoting you EXACTLY so that KK can see what you're saying.
  3. ITS PLASTIC! NOT WOOD...WANK Your woody is made of plastic? How many batteries does it use?
  4. This coming from a guy who has to go to a gym and pay, to pull wood.
  5. I bet there's already 20 pages of posts about this over at teletubbytips.com
  6. Time to wax up the Karhu Jaks and shred!
  7. Oh boy, I can't wait until I move to Utah. I'm going to be skinning trim all day.
  8. G-spotter


    It's 6/66 all month long in June 1966, 2066, etc.
  9. Yes, the life of a spermatozoa is tough.
  10. Wow oly, you can talk in Burnout!
  11. Wow. really? Do you think I can go for Hummingbird Ridge on Logan without a 10 party lineup? After all it's in 50 Crowded Climbs, and Royal Arches and Liberty Crack are pretty damn busy.
  12. I don't see anything about telemarking on there?
  13. G-spotter


    8 year olds, Dude.
  14. G-spotter


    Johnson, in the parlance of our times? Shut up, assmonkey. You're out of your element.
  15. If I talk twice as much does that equal talk plus action then? Maybe that explains telemarkettips.com
  16. When you change the meaning with a paraphrase, the message is altered. If you change "The best climber is the one having the most fun" to "Better climbers have more fun" you change the meaning significantly, for instance. Or what if you rearrange "Talk Minus Action Equals Zero" to give "Talk Equals Action"?
  17. You thread it on 6mm static cord.
  18. Try the fifi, I like it better than adjustable daisies.
  19. Yeah, so do some draws have 4 ropes through them, or what? It looks funny.
  20. This was taken from the Guinness Book of World Records for "most climbers belayed by a single leader"? You got like 4 seconds on there, each with their own rope clipped through the draws, and the leader has two separate Reversos up top to manage it all.
  21. Its a good thing it hadn't crossbred with a polar bear because an all white bear would be a deadly hunter in a whiteout. However, bears are scared of smoke so it would probably be safe to hide in Muir Hut.
  22. I'm guessing you don't use an adjustable fifi?
  23. You mean it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE FUN TO BE FUN! To be is not to have. To do is to be. To be is to do. Dobedobedoo.
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