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Everything posted by fern

  1. Montbell does not fit broad shoulders well. If you get "Beyond" gear for ice-climbing make them add like 4" to the sleeves. I specified extra long sleeve from the start, still had to return it to add 2", and they STILL came out too short.
  3. didn't he die because he couldn't self arrest a slide on steep snow because he had a technical tool rather than an ice axe? ... more summer snow in 1970?
  4. It depends how many raps you want to do. We had a 70 and downscrambled off the ends 2 or 3 times to big ledges. Would be sketchier with a 60 and you would want to not skip stations like we did. It also looks equipped with off-route rap chains to climbers left to rap in FULL 60m ropes (i.e. doubles). There are so many rap anchors it is confusing.
  5. We climbed Restless Native yesterday. It is the best route I have done on the Goat Wall. Quite peculiar climbing on mostly solid rock. All the calcite will fuzz up your rope like crazy, but you have never placed feet on such good friction. You will feel like a fly.
  6. another ploy ... try as you might you will not escape ... all your pushup are belong to me
  7. zigged when you shoulda zagged I think from your slingy flake you traverse farther right, even maybe going down a bit in a deep corner until you can do a tricky mantle right out of the corner onto a face and follow blocks and crack pretty much straight up from there to the "fixed pin" pitch. Anyways you did the best pitches (1&2) no great loss to skip the rest IMO.
  8. Petzl Recall cracking of welds near front points.
  9. fern

    UFC =

    MMA in general is sooooo HoYAY!
  10. do you WANT to do long workouts for their own sake and just can't fit it in? or do you want to do effective workouts that maintain or build on your conditioning and strength base? The former necessarily requires you to carve out big coherent chunks of time in your scedule. The latter does not. It'd take about 5 minutes to bust out a few rounds of 50 air squats and 10 handstand pushups while you are waiting for your ramen to soften.
  11. except then your legs would be cramping instead of your arms. plus you'd probably accumulate more pine needles in your chalk bag
  12. 5.11- face climbing on either side. Protect with big green gear of whatever brand you like. No anchor at top ... just loose moss. I didn't lead it.
  13. I'm trying to figure out which side of Tricouni this is on. North? in your first photo is the rightmost skyline the N.Ridge of Tricouni? bivouac.com probably gets more Tricouni-aware traffic than this site.
  14. in this case 'just to the north' means 45mins drive north. Star Chek. The cliffs and access here got harsh treatment during the blasting for highway expansion. Watch for loose rock.
  15. only 170 in 2 days (not counting rope climbs) ... lightweight ... suck it up ... I'm expecting sub10 on Helen from you Mr. Advanced T-Shirt
  16. Helen's only 36 pullups ... diet. check out the butt arms: http://skievat.blogspot.com/2007/06/butt-arms.html I stand by my advice ... don't stretch too much. Stay hydrated and relax. Warm up well before the next big pullup workout.
  17. drink more water, don't stretch too much, wait until it doesn't hurt so much and then do more pullups.
  18. more pictures:
  19. my first day out this spring I was scaring myself on the bouldery start to some 'einous 5.8 and some dood wandered up with his teenager and started gawking and chattering behind me and distracting me. So I told him I didn't want an audience. And he laughed at me. So I told him I was serious. And he says all smarmy -like "You'll just have to get used to it". So I told him to fuck off. And so he shouts "HEY FUCK YOU!" at me ... then walks off ... which is what I wanted in the first place and I finished the climb in peace. And then a while later as I was sitting at the base belaying my partner up he creeps back and stands in the bushes nearby and stares at me and starts trying to be all menacing "go on... do your worst you fucking piece of shit..." etc. I had to try very hard not to laugh at him. What a weirdo.
  20. Trip: Forbidden Peak - North Ridge Date: 7/1/2007 Trip Report: Boston Glacier is well filled in, many snow bridges and easy route finding. Snow is getting soft so wake up VERY early to profit any overnight crustiness, or else you may wallow and curse. It is a fun day in the mountains and great conditions now - why wait until August when it will be broken up and nasty?
  21. where are you going to find a sub20 60mph whiteout in Honduras??? the current description on suunto.com describes just 2 zones - northern hemisphere (both Canada and Central America fall into Northern hemisphere) and southern. I suspect your compass would work just fine but it's always good practice to make sure the needle is free to spin before you trust the reading you take.
  22. "Karen" is Karen Kogler(sp?) who was killed when an ice route collapsed on her in the Rockies. Very sad.
  23. can't you convert your water into a weight? Like 1 liter of water = 1000g, and one ounce of powder is like 28g or something. So you would need something like 3oz of powder in one liter for 8% mixture by weight.
  24. none of the other tasks there require you to hold more than 1/2 bodyweight over head ... makes sense that the handstand also then suffers how long has this gym been open?
  25. never heard of cert levels before. what are you shy on for this arbitrary "advanced" designation?
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