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Everything posted by fern

  1. I actually got the impression Dan that your posts were pulled because they unfortunately were in the middle of a whole bunch of fat supermodel spray that ALL got removed. Sometimes the signal gets lost in the noise.
  2. too tame ... not enough and and . come on bring it!
  3. most of the recent North American research gets published in Journal of Glaciology. Bruce Jamieson in particular has a recreational focus. Other good names to look for are David McClung, Jurg Schweizer, Bruno Salm, Sam Coldbeck. I recently found what must have been the first major english-language synopsis of european avalanche research put out by CRREL in the mid-'60s (author is Malcolm Mellor). Really cool! But more geeky science than anyone needs to know to go skiing.
  4. wasn't asking for $$$ anyways. I did find one site which claimed you could donate your $10 directly to the band in return for the mp3 download. pretty fishy if you ask me.
  5. mp3 here
  6. so bad they are good: Laibach doing "The Final Countdown" and William Shatner doing "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". Picture!!!......YOURSELF!!!.....on a boooaattt!!!!!....the girl with KA-LEI_DA-SCOPE! ....eeeeeyyyyyyeeeesss
  7. fern

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    #17 you could send for sure.
  8. fern

    NAME THAT CLIMB round 2

    muffy: pg 238
  9. weren't you the one a while back mommying thelawgoddess to wear a helmet while climbing?
  10. kinda confusing. Phair Game should be easy to see from the road, it is not up a canyon, it's at the top of an open debris fan across the creek as I recall. Although my memory is 3 yrs old. APTA was harder to see from the road, but It's only Phair was right there. I have no idea what that is a picture of but it's nice to see ice.
  11. my (limited) understanding is that it isn't the calories in your booze but the alcohol itself alters the the way the body lays down fat stores. I think this is the case for me, if I cut down on I don't necessarily change weight but I do change shape a little. The best way I found to lose 15lbs (both fat and muscle) was to live at high altitude for 6 weeks and get a 3rd world stomach bug.
  12. you need a minimum 4 sattelites to get a GPS based altitude. It's like triangulation in 3 dimensions, 3 satellites find your 'sea level' location on a map and 1 finds how high you are above it. I say 'sea level' but it's not really sea level. GPS altitudes are relative to the Geoid or something like that which depend on the local gravity field which is distorted by such things as mountains(!) blah blah blah ... I can't be bothered to lookit up but I got an A in the course I have a Casio Pathfinder that I got at Costco. It is big and make me look outdoorsy. . Altitude accuracy suffered somewhat above 5000m but so what.
  13. have fun but maybe you should start your own thread called 'squamish saturday'? I have other ideas for the weekend but would like to climb tomorrow or thursday since the weather is nice.
  14. a parade of rejection I'll still go if somebody is out there who wants to go with. I'll drive. send a PM
  15. thursday is fine too
  16. If European tourists are to be believed the Canadian Rockies extend all the way to the Pacific Ocean
  17. The weather will be nice. somebody should go climbing with me.
  18. 2/3 of these are about stalking
  19. best movie I saw recently : Scar Tissue vroom!
  20. picture in todays paper looks like your circle starts a little too far down the drainage snoboy, but the lower extent is right. Size estimate class 3.5, width 500m, debris pile up to 4m deep, natural trigger. This was a big slide, super-elevated up the other side of the valley a little before making a 90 degree turn and flowing down the valley bottom
  21. no sidebar. I don't like it. help me make it go away!
  22. Yak Peak is made of granite and has been climbed by many people but not me
  23. squamish squamish squamish send send send
  24. what exactly is the Maximum Heart Rate though? following those formulas my MHR should be ballpark 195, but I have had a pulse well over 200 before while doing hard intervals and I didn't have to stop and lie down or pull out the shock paddles. Is is a level where no matter how hard I try I can't get my heart to beat faster or what?
  25. Lyle said in a thread a while back that he didn't want the map scanned and posted anywhere but he didn't mind if people shared photocopies.
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