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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. quote: Originally posted by David Parker: I like the HARD salami with the white condom and how do you take it?? over easy? homo
  2. greg=homo [ 08-02-2002, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  3. trask's recipe also has carbs and sweeteners
  4. quote: Originally posted by iain: trask is well-known for keeping the talk on-topic. chocolate "outrage" is the best flavor of gu but I still prefer a good chunk of horsecock in my mouth. fag
  5. that's not what i heard
  6. what's that have to do with gu?
  7. well, i don't know how you trouts can slurp down that nasy, slimmy shit anyway i have a hard enough time with a cliff bar
  8. i would never say something so rude, you fucking head case
  9. Hummers Rule!! i could use one about now
  10. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Ah, well then in your case, the Doctor will never understand your point of view. His previous statement was based upon conversations with actual humans who had been in the service but were not bloodthirsty psychopaths. Enjoy your tenure as cannon fodder to further some corporate-sponsored tyrant's agenda, captain bullets. Human life is human life, regardless of whose flag is flying over the head of said life. Think about it. Shut the fuck up, asshole. I'm with ya on that sentiment, Greg. doctor whatever the fuck you call yourself, shut the fuck up pussy
  11. quote: Originally posted by sk: I would be willing to donate all of my worn out undergarments Just post an address unwashed, no doubt
  12. grinning, he displays the nine hundred beer cans that fill his pickup bed trask
  13. since you suck drop me a PM and we'll discuss yur personality
  14. crow's a dog- how bout' 3 minutes with fionna flaps, or belinda butterfly ??
  15. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Hmmm ... 11/17. Is 64% still a passing grade? It seems Dr. Flash Amazing has been drinking too much wine lately. Plus the Doctor wouldn't go near half of that swill--where's the Bridgeport IPA and the Black Butte Porter fuhcryin' out loud? Lone Star? Killian's? Puh-leeeez! don't kill the messenger, mofo
  16. fancy yurself as a beer connoisseur? try this for fun
  17. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I climbed soloed crisco slab at squire rock so I am experienced yeah cavey, but you were spotted the night before having, shall we say, a wee bit of libation. of course knowing you, it was probably just a religious ritual
  18. quote: Originally posted by Winter: and I suppose the media field has the market cornered on the idiot factor. no winter, i think you do
  19. you talkin bout that large hemroid that won't stay stuffed in your drawers??
  20. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: If you climbed mt si you are experienced assuming the cougars' didn't getcha
  21. there's alot of truth to what you're saying- where's adamson, dwayner, pope, beck, pp, panther, strickland, and the rest of wild bunch? [ 08-01-2002, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  22. trasky male sluts with big nutz chodes and wankers take notes
  23. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Jumpin' threads, eh, homo? you again?? you fat fuck...go find a hole in a slippery elm log and leave us men alone!
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