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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Does it bother you that I post here, junior?
  2. Well, I been around here a lot longer than you. And I climb on the short bus whenever possible.
  3. More like all the college students like their Annie Greensprings and "Chevy to the Levy" albums.
  4. I notice you've posted your fair share of bullshit.
  5. sorry wanker, it's full of whiskey- if i wanted to drink wine, i'd spend a boring afternoon with the Redmond winetasting set
  6. hehehe I see you're getting a lot of takers there, hotshot
  7. fine with me i'll bring a bottle
  8. Fuckin A Spray Lords always do
  9. Is that all you got, sheepdip? If your mom had laid off the booze during her pregnancy, you might have had a chance. Tisk, tisk...
  10. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by Roger: quote:Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Hmmm ... ask a simple question, get pilloried. Is that how it works around here? You smell of unwashed polypropylene, buster. pay him no mind, Doctor. trask'jad is just chapped that he was outed as a NWhiker earlier today. FUCK, another pdx homo. hey, it don't bother me that i posted a few a NWHikers.com (I am a backpacker after all; always maintained that. They got the trail reports and shit that I can't get here. So suck it biatch. portland...breeding ground for whale dreck, I'll tell ya. [ 08-06-2002, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  11. big fuckin' deal, wanker I get laid...REGULARILY BY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN
  12. fuck both you morons, yur shit talkers extraordinaire- hey red monk biatch, you suck yur dick with that mouth?
  13. quote: Originally posted by MountainMan: It doesn't piss me off at all ... because you haven't been up there this year. Until you have seen the conditions I saw, your opinion means about as much as your posts on this board. Hey trask, I gave you my address faggot. Are you gonna keep on talkin shit on a message board or come say it to my face? You can say it's the address to the Cadillac grill all you want, but I gave you MY REAL address and you haven't been knocking on my door recently asking to get knocked the fuck out. Have you? Who is the real pussy trask? You fucking pussy. I went to your house, pussy. All I heard was the back door slam and someone running down the back alley. Was that you, or your male biatch?
  14. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: [QB]trask - Nothing else to do. And it's not the alpineness DFA hates, it's the snobness, alpo. I'm not a snob, I hate everybody.
  15. allthumbs


    i've got it cummin' soon stay tuned
  16. quote: Originally posted by Dru: how about the relevance of the fact i managed to climb TNF without encountering bush and you guys didnt mountain pussy's a cocky fucker isn't he? not enuf goatcock
  17. allthumbs


    “Kathryn, please give me the soap?” Chakotay sighed. “Sorry, still using it. You could use my facial cream!” Kathryn’s voice floated from the shower. “I’m telling you, I don’t have acne! I have some dirt left from that last mission.” Chakotay rubbed at his face, but the spot wouldn’t disappear. Suddenly, Kathryn stepped out of the shower. Before he could even gasp, she took his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly, followed by a smooth peck on the cheek. “There,” she called as she swaggered away. Chakotay turned dumbly and stared into the mirror. The spot was gone.
  18. allthumbs


    Which way is correct?
  19. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Mr. Tex, Dr. Flash Amazing's cockiness, as you see it, is a product of his alpine-snob surroundings, and is wholly reflexive. He doesn't fancy himself or his sportness any better than anyone else, but when some frostbitten lout starts spraying about sport climbing's inferiority or about dumb sportos, DFA is compelled to respond in kind. Plus it's kinda fun stirring up some shit now and again. Yours in cragging, Dr. Flash Amazing if you don't like the alpine surroundings, why don't you hump your spandex ass back to the gym, sporto??
  20. don't worry about littering the forest, if they're edible, i'll eat em'
  21. quote: Originally posted by trask: quote:Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: 1. DFA has been purveying his spray in the third person since long before that hack Master Beta came on the scene. 2. While a sport enthusiast, DFA does not carry or use a stick clip, therefore GregW will have to substitute another object for his Dr. Flash Amazing anal fantasies--sorry, sport! 3. Glenn Danzig is a fuckin' troll. Can you actually listen with a straight face to him singing about how he "killed your baby today?" The guy's gotta be pushin' 50 ... 4. Richard Noggin is hereby entitled to free treatments at the Amazing Clinic, as well as free admission to all AmazingCo., Inc. sponsored events. Ah...NOW I know who you are Bottoms up spray on my good man!!! P.S. richard noggin, you are the most retarded moron on this site...does crack baby ring a bell?
  22. 69 [ 08-06-2002, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  23. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Dru: DFA you sound a lot like Master Beta from the Climbing magazine letters column... i.e., a hapless dickweed who likes to read his own material. Shove your stick-clip up your sport climbing ass and bite off. Viva Danzig: truer words were never said
  24. quote: Originally posted by Dru: doubt messner would be wearing slipperrs cause he got no toes... more like he would be wearing stiff soled shoes... nice catch, dru ...dfa you waffle hehehe
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