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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. woof woof
  2. Enlisted MOS’s: 11B, 11C, 11H, 11M, 12B, 13F, 14S, 18 series and have a standard score of 90 or higher in aptitude area CO and 12 months active duty service remaining and cannot be on PCS orders.
  3. You know my position.
  4. Trask, you are an old guy too. He's criticizing you and everyone who just happens to know how to use a fucking keyboard as though it doesn't matter. Well get a clue, it does matter and I'm not the first person who has been bothered by all caps or no caps. I COULD FUCKING CARE LESS HOW SOME CHODE WANTS TO FORMAT THEIR GODDAMN POST. i'm not that petty.
  5. Is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization irrelevant? I am deeply disturbed by the way the alliance has treated Turkey in the last week. A number of members refuse to lend assistance just because Turkey has stated they would help us and provide bases should we invade Iraq. Now one could say that Turkey put themselves in that position by virtue of giving us support, therefore it is now a US obligation. But then I say, we have been carrying your sorry European asses for the last 50 years, so when are you going to pony up and do something besides let us defend you? No wonder Germany has such a thriving economy! They've let us defend them for 50 years and only fielded a token army. The French are as bad if not worse - they withdrew from NATO, tossed the headquarters out, contribute nothing to it, yet reap all the benefits of a NATO alliance. Scum sucking bottom dwellers.....
  6. allthumbs


  7. allthumbs


    As opposed to the Canadian in this picture?
  8. Oregon = Homegrown Anarchists
  9. OMG, you married a flower child. Well screw that, let's go golfing instead.
  10. Matt, be honest, the real reason you like rallies and such is to get out of the house and away from that damn "honey-do" list.
  11. allthumbs


    Erik, I'm 50 and not an officer. They don't want me anymore.
  12. un-chain yourself from the computer before you become derailed.
  13. I'm just thankful you don't live in my neighborhood. I wouldn't feel safe letting my kids play knowing you were lurking about.
  14. that's about right for a married broad once a year "now be a good boy and sit up and beg"
  15. Yep, I sure agree with you Jon. My dad died of cancer from smoking and drinking all his life. It sucked. Wouldn't wish it on anybody, except maybe Saddam and bin Lackin'
  16. Dru- If I preach love, will I get more action?
  17. Gee whiz. I'm at a loss for words. I don't have an opinion on this matter because it might hurt someone's feelings and have to be deleted. I'm walking on egg shells.
  18. Blow me Catturd Don't be such a gurl
  19. I wouldn't necessarily say I feel secure, but I'm losing NO sleep over the possibilities. If some nut with a towel on his head wants to fuck around with me, I'll immediately ruin his day.
  20. The Seattle/Portland Peace Brigade
  21. Actually Dru, I was thinking of the Golem of Prague who saved the Jewish Ghetto in 1580 and is reputed to lie in a cobweb covered coffin in the highest part of the Prague Synagogue just in case he's ever needed again. Kind of like a jewish King Arthur. Of course, one would think that either of these defenders might have seen a little duty in WWII, but that's a different story. DFA: while gaffe may be the appropriate term, when trolling on the internet you will find that a gaff will help you land the big ones. You'd do well to read this book if you haven't already: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0312282990/qid=1045164315/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/104-3899535-2481527?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Nice retort, Dwayner
  22. Muffy- That's not a 'sorts' car...that's an extension of a man's penis.
  23. don't do it...the bike's been crashed serious
  24. Okay, what do ya think of the NEW Viper?
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