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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Amuse me.

    me? i never pick my nose I don't understand you at all b_j. You appear to be a miserable son of a bitch, living a unsatisfactory life. In your case, suicide might ease the pain for all concerned.
  2. allthumbs

    Amuse me.

    I never poke fun at human misery, you ass clown. Where do you come up with this shit?
  3. allthumbs


    here's to all those "checking who's online"
  4. allthumbs

    Amuse me.

    why does this not surprise me coming from a creature like you?
  5. allthumbs

    Amuse me.

    How 'bout this for amusement?
  6. I'd be VERY skeptical of any guarantees or warranties on any climbing gear. I know for a fact that you cannot return technical gear after the fact. Also, not that anyone gives a shit, but I never order anything online. I want to touch it and feel it before I pay for it.
  7. allthumbs


    because you're thick? In the head or further south? is that a country joke?
  8. allthumbs

    Hey DRU

    I've got some really important info. for you. Wait till you hear this! bwahahahaha bye bye
  9. allthumbs


    because you're thick?
  10. hahaha necro call home we miss you
  11. I've had nothing but very positive shopping experiences at cascade crags. Good bunch if ya ask me....'cept for that sketcy scotty guy (just kiddin' scott)
  12. Sounds like quite the relationship you've got going there. easy scott, you and I have had a nice truce goin' for about a month now. sure you want to stir the coals?
  13. allthumbs


    you talk to yurself a lot
  14. at least long enuf to keep the water bottle at the foot and unfrozen
  15. not true i was banned last wk.
  16. allthumbs


    looks like an episiotomy when the old blister had hers, I made sure the doc. threw in a few extra stitches...if ya get my drift
  17. allthumbs


    my god, the horror
  18. are you sure he's been away? Let me rephrase that. WE haven't missed much while he was away. I'm not Mike, you dolt
  19. Hey Traskwipe, the Braves have the best record in MLB. Hey Birdshit, go fist your ass with a bat. Traskwipe, you could probably fit two bats in your canyon ass from what I've heard. whydoncha come over and see for yurself...your pinhead should slide right in. be sure to brush yur teeth first though 'cause my roids wanna see your smilin' pearly whites goin' in.
  20. his ass is pretty rank i keep waitin' for a turd to pop out
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