Hey Guido, you got it all wrong as usual you dumbass prick. However, even if you were correct, that life would be better than your unhappy mad at the world cause I don't know who my dad is life. So, to enlighten you...I own my own aviation business and have for about 4 years now. I don't answer to the man, I am the "man." I currently own three aircraft, each of which are worth more than you will make in a decade (if you had a job). Of course there is no doubt that you are an unemployed loser living with your mom and thus you have so much time to spray your anger. Yeah, I wished I lived somewhere that had mountains, but because of the great choices I have made....I can take-off to the mountain just about anytime I want. Oh yeah, marriage, nah I have not fallen into that trap yet. I do have a wonderful girl friend of a few years who is a competetive triathlete, so you make the mental picture (it's very nice). So, kiss my ass you homosexual beeotch.
goddamn, that sounds like the good life. you lucky bastard