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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I agree with JG, Necro is a pussycat.
  2. Erik, come on over and help me shave my ballZ, you prissy boy.
  3. Hey Traskwipe, the Braves have the best record in MLB. Hey Birdshit, go fist your ass with a bat.
  4. are you sure he's been away?
  5. allthumbs


    Hey Guido, you got it all wrong as usual you dumbass prick. However, even if you were correct, that life would be better than your unhappy mad at the world cause I don't know who my dad is life. So, to enlighten you...I own my own aviation business and have for about 4 years now. I don't answer to the man, I am the "man." I currently own three aircraft, each of which are worth more than you will make in a decade (if you had a job). Of course there is no doubt that you are an unemployed loser living with your mom and thus you have so much time to spray your anger. Yeah, I wished I lived somewhere that had mountains, but because of the great choices I have made....I can take-off to the mountain just about anytime I want. Oh yeah, marriage, nah I have not fallen into that trap yet. I do have a wonderful girl friend of a few years who is a competetive triathlete, so you make the mental picture (it's very nice). So, kiss my ass you homosexual beeotch. goddamn, that sounds like the good life. you lucky bastard
  6. dem kanooks have SARS - the M's is keepin' their distance
  7. Just like a man to be in 'fantasy land' again. Never fear Kitten, I'll toss you aside like overripe fruit as soon as I finish having my way with you.
  8. trask, you're just bitter b/c i laughed no, I'm smarting because you drew blood on my tongue. not only that, but you've put me into a state of perpetual hard on.
  9. allthumbs


  10. Speaking of sucking - Why doncha suck the farts outta my ass, hippie
  11. I'd rather kiss Kitten than Minx
  13. speaking of work computers, i installed another ram card...now have 800 megs. ram. is that a lot these days?
  14. whatever - post was more to sling a toast to John (may he rest in peace).
  15. New Dan Ackroid & Jim Belushi disc out does not use the "Blues Brothers" name... Which is a good and honorable thing. He's a great guy and all, but when I see Jim with Dan I always think the same three words: John's still dead. -> to John
  16. gawd you're dumb
  17. Dru, I see you've got a new girl. What's her name?
  18. My dick does my thinking.
  19. Rates didn't go up, as they see "glass" differently than other claims. They also gave me a new roof about 4 years ago. True, If I file a claim in the near future, they may drop me, but they WILL pay the claim first. Actually, it's a non-issue, as I've had the new glass for just over two years now.
  20. Here's a good insurance story for you dorks: I spoke with an adjuster that represented my particular home-owner's policy. I explained that the front of my house was all old, single-pane glass, and that the winter storms rattled the windows so hard that I feared they would shatter. Will you cover the cost of replacement? He said, "Tough shit, how's that our problem...sounds like homeowner maintenance?" I said, "Okay bud, I guess I'll just let them blow in and send you a $40,000 bill for contents damage." He said, "Okay, you pay the $250 deductible, and we'll pay for the new windows. Go get your new glass." I said, "Thanks dude, have a nice day ." Ya see - It's all on how you approach it.
  21. now that's a helpful suggestion. eat ballZ Dru
  22. gotta have back fringe too
  23. whatever floats yur boat, bubba
  24. No Rob, unlike a lot of these pedophiles, fags, lesbians and goat blowers that call themselves climbers, I like my 30'ish. wimmim like I like my coffee...hot and black.
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