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Everything posted by klenke

  1. klenke

    Room for Rent

    Yeah, but does the house have high-speed internet connex so the cc.commie can spray with reckless abandon?
  2. I haven't been banned, so whatchootalkinaboutwillis?
  3. Lefty&Poncho: you're speaking of Mt. Higgins. Here's what Beckey has to say: "metamorphosed sandstone shale has formed prominent SW-dipping beds, prominent from the highway" The rock is related to the Swauk-Chuckanut Formation. These are a series of arkosic sandstones and conglomerates deposited during the Paleocene Epoch (58-63 million years ago). This deposition is estimated to be 20,000 ft thick in places. It should be noted that these sandstones were themselves derived from erosion of granitic rocks deeper within the range.
  4. Ken, you make me sooooo mad
  5. Blake, click here for a panorama of the east side of the Fernow Group as seen from nearby South Spectacle Butte. Fernow is in the middle of the right panel (and Copper Peak is the dark pyramid to its right). The Copper Creek Route to Fernow comes up to the saddle at right-center in the right panel. You can then pretty much see you have to stay to the south side of the East Ridge leading up to Fernow's summit. Expect Class 3 at the top.
  6. True dat...except for one key difference: The Canadian Rockies are sedimentary rocks (at least those viewed in that striated form) where as Columbia is comprised of a sequence of lava flows of the Monte Cristo Volcanic Breccia. These flows were deposited in the Oligocene Epoch (25-36 million years ago) and are up to 2,000 feet thick in places. The source of these lavas was from a now vanished volcano whose center was believed to be at Round Lake just east of Mt. Pugh.
  7. We saw your Suby. We were the black truck that parked in front of you Saturday morning. Indeed, the road was as you decribed it. Cool weather lately seems to be stonewalling ("snowwalling"?) the melt-out effort. Not much had changed from Monday to Saturday for the rest of the road up to Eightmile Creek Trailhead.
  8. Some more photos from that day: Views of the mountain itself: Static Peak from lower West Ridge Upper west side of Static Peak Upper West Ridge of Static Peak The Upper North Ridge of Static Peak The North Face of Static Peak Views of other mountains from Static Peak: Mt. Stickney from the north Columbia Peak from the west Spire Peak from the WNW Mt. Pilchuck from the ESE Vesper Peak from the SSW Del Campo Peak and Gothic Peak from the WSW Gunn Peak and "Gunnshy" from the NW And finally, ChucK's favorite: "Some Blobby Peak to the north"
  9. This is the view of the other side of Frostbite-Weber (from Static Peak last Saturday): Pretty spectacular palisade! Dberdinka: I won't speculate much on an answer for you (perhaps Stefan can give you some beta; Stefan?), but it "appears" that semi-timbered slope at far left (sorry, a little blurry) provides access to the ridge from the Boulder Creek drainage.
  10. klenke

    More Bush

    Message to Necro, I mean Mr.Doolittle: it appears you've got some stiff competition for the CC.com Dumbness Award. Gowans is a threat to you. What are you going to do about it? CHARGE!!!!
  11. klenke


    They were insurgents to me. But that all changed when they started to indiscriminately kill innocent people (their own people). At that point they became terrorists.
  12. Beat Simmons' ass for being a nancy. Beat the Farney fellow's ass for being a jerk (and needlessly involving officers...especially if he's really a pugilist...of all things). Where's that kick graemlin? Oh, here it is:
  13. On Monday, with a truck or higher clearance vehicle (possibly a Subaru Outback type), you could drive the first 1.5 miles or so to about 2,800-2,900 ft (this was about a mile before the Eightmile Creek Trailhead). After 1.5 miles, there appeared to still be enough snow depth on the road that it wouldn't melt out to the ECTH for another couple of weeks. Also, the gate at Bridge Creek was open.
  14. klenke


    If that's the Japanese show, yeah, hell yeah it kicks ass. Funny as all hell! A friend of mine has recorded a boat load of the episodes. Next time I see him I'm going to borrow them. I saw the tricycle race. Friggin' hilarious. The dubbed commentary is the key.
  15. Supply and demand. Supply and demand. Today I was in REI. I need a bigger mug for camping. Saw this super light titanium model: $30!!!!!! I like the weight of it (1.9 oz), but I don't need one that bad.
  16. klenke


    Here's irony of the worst kind for you: Hamas' new leader Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi is a pediatrician. Just today, the Israeli Army stopped a Palestinian 16-year-old boy with a bomb strapped to his chest. Heck, it's ironic enough that the new Hamas leader is a doctor, whose principles should be the sanctity and preservation of human life. But for him to also be a pediatrician takes the cake.
  17. Come bushwhack with me on a fine summer day and I'll show you a hard route. Any route where are out to kill you is a hard-ass route.
  18. klenke


    The answer is simple. The thermos wall is merely a thermally insulative barrier between an internal temperature and an external ambient temperature. The internal temperature will always trend toward the ambient. Therefore, if you put liquid in the thermos that is hotter than ambient, it will slowly cool to that ambient. Given enough time, the temps will equilibriate. If the liquid inside is colder than ambient, then it will warm up to the ambient and reach it after sufficient time. In this case, the heat flow is from outside to inside. Fluctuations in the ambient temperature merely change the time required to reach equilibrium. The thermos doesn't know anything. It's all thermodynamics.
  19. klenke


    I want an " A " too!... From my PM archives: Paul: "What's the name of that condition whereby a person's internal organs are reversed?" Norman Clyde: "It's called Situs Inversus. Strangely enough, it is present only in individuals who have an inborn defect of ciliary function. The cross section of the shaft of each little cilium lacks the extra arm that allows for the propelling function. It is theorized that something about this ciliary function operates in determining orientation of internal organs in the person's bodily space. The syndrome of lacking the ciliary function is called Kartagener's syndrome. (I haven't looked in a book yet, this is all from first year of med school, so I'm pretty pleased at my recall so far.) The most interesting detail about this syndrome, in my opinion, is the fact that only 50 per cent of the people with it have situs inversus-- because, of course, without the orienting function, there is a 50-50 chance of the organs ending up in either orientation, so half of all cases have their organs on the usual side. "One last detail: because the lack of ciliary function renders spermatozoa immotile, males with this condition are infertile. "The one detail I can't recall is how frequently this condition is seen. I know it's very rare. I'll see if I can find the prevalence in a book somewhere." ANYBODY KNOW ANYONE WITH THIS SYNDROME??
  20. klenke

    Word of the day!

    Just now I was flipping through my dictionary looking for a word when one of the locator words at the top of the page caught my eye: wood pussy I had to flip back and see what a wood pussy is. Taken separetely, each word has sexual connotations. Will the combined form also have a sexual connotation? Take a guess then go here for the answer.
  21. klenke


    Of course it's 42. That's the secret to the Universe. Obviously, Squid and I know our hitchiker guides.
  22. Boulder Lake is not near "the blob peak" (aka Greider Peak). You must be speaking of another peak. Pk 5335 is also known as Frostbite-Weber (the peak is actually only 5,240+ on maps; Beckey erroneously lists it at 5335). It's a cool horn on a high ridge. Not too many folks have climbed it. Have you? Here's a picture of Frostbite-Weber from the east (from Mineral Butte). Also visible is none other than Greider Peak at back right. Plus, the tip-top of Static Peak is visible just right of Frostbite-Weber:
  23. klenke


    I'm most sensitive about the issue of whether or not Mr.DooLittle will ever STFU.
  24. Doolittle: There is no Dumbness Award for this site, so you don't have to keep posting. Thank you.
  25. Bet ya 10 to 1 that's a wig!
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