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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Arrrggh, 'Tis Fifes. Aye, matey!
  2. Listen. Do you hear that noise in the distance, the one coming from the direction of the news studios? It's a wolf crying.
  3. "Here's $20. Now go buy yourself a clue. But if you want to get a life, you'll need more cash."
  4. So I'll repeat for him: Stefan has already done Hozomeen North. Stefan probably wants to live up to his personality and do Little Jackass Mountain.
  5. You also got nearly 10-times more posts than me.
  6. Time to buy one of those bikes with the small motor on it. ...or a high-powered acetylene torch.
  7. Currently raining lightly here in Seattle.
  8. Through Seattle truckers are allowed to drive in the fast lane but they're not allowed on the expressway. They are allowed in the fast lane because there are a number of exits off of the fast lane (Mercer Street, Hwy 520 from southbound I-5, Seneca Street, for example).
  9. Perfect! That's just what we need. Plus, the next time we can't schedule a shelter for our BBQs, we can rent one of these. I wonder how much the airfreight would cost.
  10. Maybe it's the East Face of Amphitheatre but I doubt it (drops off too much on the right).
  11. The problem with Castle as a choice is that its N. Face has more than one route on it. It's not unclimbed. Though they're not in Washington but just over the border, it looks sort of like Macabre & Matriarch. Here they are (right-center) from the other (south side). Cathedral is the thing in the middle; Grimface is just to Cathedral's right:
  12. Grimface isn't in Washington. I was going to say Cathedral because A) I don't think its N. Face has been climbed and B) there is a notch near the summit (but I don't think it's as pronounced as your picture intimates).
  13. " The law is in effect at all times on all multi-lane 65 mph or higher roads, with the only exception being 'rush hour,' or other times of day when all lanes are in use." Yeah, but it's rush hour 24 hours a day here in the Puget Sound. All lanes are always in use here. But I agree with the point that too many people piddle in the fast lane. In the UK drivers do it right without thinking about it. They only get in the fast lane to pass. It's surprising how much easier it is to keep speeds up. The problem in America is everyone thinks they're going fastest, so they're in the fast lane waiting for the guy in front of them to get out of their way. But the guy in front of them thinks he's going faster. And on and on it goes. But, if you are in the fast lane in a long row of cars, if you should decide to go into the next lane over, then before you know it the gap you left has been closed and you have to wait for 15 cars to go past you on the left before you can get back in the fast lane. Meanwhile, the lane you just got in to is going 1 or 2 MPH slower. So you can't win. The only way to make it work is to have a massive collective change in driving mentality. Not going to happen.
  14. Hint? Looks like Enchantments rock. Possibly the Nightmare Needles down by McClellan Peak. Or something in that vicinity.
  15. Interesting map, Brian. It's notable to see that tsunami "pulses" can turn corners and affect places like Henderson Bay and Case Inlet (the two reaches of water in the bottom left of your image). Check out some of these before & after satellite images! In particular, look at this devestation... The building left standing was the village mosque. I saw a TV news story last night for this village or one just like it. There was no one alive there except for the visiting journalist, cameraman, and interpreter. Looking at the above, it is easy to understand why over 100,000 people died. This before & after shows the extent of inland advance of the water!
  16. Bug: Krakatoa blew its top in 1883, not 1897. This was the eruption where (supposedly) British troops thousands of miles away in India heard the explosion. Also, Krakatoa is located at the opposite end of Sumatra in the strait (Sunda Strait) betwen Sumatra and Java. Some info on Krakatoa.
  17. When did those two guys ski the North Face couloirs last year (2004)? Was that in winter or spring? I forget who it was but they came in from Holden via Copper Creek. Ah yes, here's that report. Looks like they climbed/skied it on or about 3/22/04. According to my calendar, spring officially began on 3/20 so their ascent did not occur in winter.
  18. Fantastic! And a nicely written trip report to boot. Jumar my heroes. I like the last photo with Wayne's headlamp streak.
  19. Black Testicles A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital with an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and still heavily sedated from a four hour operation. A young nurse appears to sponge his hands and feet. "Nurse", he mumbles from behind the mask, "Are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, I'm only here to wash your hands and feet." He struggles again to ask, "Nurse, are my testicles black?" Finally, she pulls back the covers, raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his testicles in her other hand and takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them!" The man pulls off his oxygen mask and says very slowly, "That was very nice but listen very, very closely - are... my...test...results...back?"
  20. klenke

    New eyes!

    Hey Bug, did the operation leave you bug-eyed?
  21. klenke


    You'll figure it out someday...maybe by Fox's 3,000th post. Would you rather be a lurdane? Oly: why make it easy for Double_E? Make him figger it out all by his selfsome.
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