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Everything posted by klenke

  1. I've always wondered if there is a feature in a cave somewhere called Thin Man's Misery.
  2. Yep yep, one of us didn't make it out alive. There were many skeletons in Skeleton Cave. They all had gnaw marks on their bones--gnaw marks that looked suspiciously rodent-like. So is it really a cave or actually a warren? I should note that it wasn't really a "crawl" space in the first photo since you could only squeeze through on your back. What do you call inching your way forward while on your back (where you use your shoulder blades to crawl)?
  3. The entrance to Skeleton Cave (it's a lava tube): {see Sobo's post below for pic}
  4. Me in the Skeleton Cave crawl (near Bend, OR):
  5. klenke


    Right you are, kilo. Edit made. Had to think a minute to come up with an alternate description.
  6. klenke


    Some climbs can be harder in winter if the snowpack is less. So that's the flip side of things. Un-covered brush, un-iced couloirs (Triple Couloirs, for example), un-snowed-in couloirs resulting in rock climbing where there usually is none, un-bridged crevasses, gaping schrunds, objective rockfall hazards where rocks are usually held fast by winter snow and ice, etc. etc. So as Fox said, it should only ever be judged by dates alone. An FWA is an FWA. Winter conditions are winter conditions. The two are separately defined but most often do overlap.
  7. klenke

    Limerick Time!

    So sue me, beeeaatch!
  8. klenke

    Limerick Time!

    Limericks are supposed to be mealymouthed. I do like your use of lass better. I'll change that in the original. Lass is more Irish.
  9. klenke

    Limerick Time!

    Your remix sucks, Marylou. (And you of all people to use that f-word?)
  10. klenke

    Limerick Time!

    There once was a lass with a snugtop Who eschewed sex with a karate chop Then one day a man from Niagara Conquered this lass with Viagra And now she sashays with a rider's crop.
  11. First post since the election aftermath. Yippee! The evil homonym is back!
  12. Will Strickland calls our bluff.
  13. Crux off-width in summer (Hoffman image, Klenke leading but not visible): Crux off-width in winter (Colin image, Dan leading):
  14. You Bellingham boys & girls (who can get into bars), I recommend you don't miss this guy. Timmy O'Neill is a riot. A laugh a minute. Be prepared to get naked for a rope if you've got the balls (literally).
  15. "They should have started running when the tide started going way, way, out." So, how many of us would have run if we had been standing on that beach? Remember, hindsight is 20-20. I guarantee you now people will run, or a great majority of them will. The Dec. 27 tsunami was the first one to receive massive exposure in the media. Millions of people now know what they once didn't. That is, they were never properly educated before.
  16. Wee wee, monsieur. I'll buy you some freedom fries at the next pub club.
  17. Geez, I thought I was reading some Faulkner there for a minute. In true Faulkner form, you lost me in the density. That W. Face has given others fits (even in summer). It's complex.
  18. You assume correctly, Offley. Not only was I along on the trip, but I took the photo. Toast is having his way with a long hard thing.
  19. "Kewl thing about the Nickerson is that its close to alot of other places if people get bored." That is true. Could walk across the Fremont Bridge to other bars (and hurl over the side on the way, if need be). However, the last PC we had there (for Ken4ord send off) was actually quite good. And Chelle, your clinicals aren't over. Don't you know all of us PCers are clinically insane? Well, me anyway. And Schuldty. And catbirdshit. And frankly mattp too. Yeah, especially matt. That guys positively cuckoo. Nickerson is at 318 Nickerson Street (right at Fremont Bridge's south end):
  20. It's not random. He's stalking you and your youngness.
  21. Uh, I think Oly picked the wrong image to link. This is the road up the SW side of Prairie Mountain, which is not at all close to Static Point. Although, Static Point is to the left. Way to the left.
  22. Here are your pictures... The climb: Alex leading: Alex leading some more: Gene leading: The Big Four ice climb:
  23. Since this will be a send off PC for dryad, the Knickerson sounds like a good place to go. Will she lose her knickers at the Knickerson?
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