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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I don't know, some sprayers seem to be even bigger losers. Lambone just asked whether somebody wanted to rent him a room, you're the only one who thinks he's mooching.
  2. fleblebleb

    Self Rescue

    So how are those big wall routes on Glacier Peak anyway?
  3. Hey, how about car-pooling? Anybody wanna carpool? Looong drive up there...
  4. That's right! JayB's got it!
  5. Boring weekly argument once again The Zoo! It's in my neighborhood so convenient
  6. Dalius and I were also there, but we hid from Allison because we didn't want to talk to her.
  7. No wonder, since every time you looked down you probably passed out from sensory overload-induced dizzyness and nausea, and hit some stationary if not moving large object.
  8. fleblebleb


    Doesn't look, doesn't even see. Sweet manly oblivion.
  9. sttttout! sttttttttttttttttttttttttout!
  10. Well, the poor old chap's gone now. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Bite me crackhead.
  11. Can I get a ride with anyone? Send a PM...
  12. Check your PMs. Muchos PM today but none from you unless you're somebody else.
  13. Ahhaha, Seeyacowskis! Haven't met, would be cool. I have no idea where that place is though.
  14. Don't get your point Attitude. My wife had a fine chuckle over this thread when she was peeking over my shoulder the other day though.
  15. I'm sorry, I've got dibs on Tomcat for this. Hands off people. He is all mine.
  16. Hahaha, too-shay. Check your PMs.
  17. I stepped barefoot on a piece of glass once, maybe 8-10 years old. I remember feeling an itch and grinding my foot on the ground a little bit to scratch it. There was blood fucking everywhere when I finally lifted my foot so I could see what was going on. My little brother was six and fell on his bike, impaled himself just underneath the chin on the front brake on the handlebar. He squealed a little bit and I ran over and when he looked up his entire throat was completely covered with blood. Dad came around and thought we'd been fighting, oops, I'm five years older. Phew, good thing he managed to do that all on his own. He still has a scar, more than an inch long. It's only a couple of inches away from the neck artery. He still had helper wheels on the bike when it happened, was probably riding at 2 mph.
  18. I missed pub club Tue because I had to prepare homework But I sure could use a beer tonight Let's do it! Who else is up for beer tonight? Drink, fight, spew! Or, drink, wax philosophical, argue about politics and religion, and watch me pass out from boredom No, I know! Drink, spew beta, brag and make up tall tales! Woo-hoo!!!
  19. D A V E D A M A N ! ! ! I am so there
  20. Garble garble blah blah persloslunksillimonsalabimmfoosyfommbasibommbadarabababibibibabababibibabiaibaibiabibibaibiaibaibaibiaughfalldownandsnore. Gobbledeegook is also aid.
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