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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Sailboi lives near the Dose. Reading comprehension issues Hugh? But yes, Tacoma's proximity combined with the amount of time I spend in these mountains sure does make me more of a local than a guy living in Jersey.
  2. The rangers at ONP (and folks at Olympic Mountain Rescue too) seem to play this game every year; issuing bogus reports of horrendous conditions that do not exist. I climbed it three years ago with my son--despite erroneous reports of a fictitious 60 foot wide Tyrolean-traverse moat at the summit pinnacle and tall tales about Snow Dome riddled with impassible crevasses. Something stinks at ONP.
  3. johndavidjr; aren't you the guy from New Jersey who flies out here once every year in a big fuel-guzzling airliner, rents a big thirsty SUV, spends two or three days in the Olympic Mountains, and then tries to lecture the good people who actually live here about environmental issues? This road needs to be repaired, and the elitist carpetbagger enviro groups who oppose this traditional access need to be mocked and marginalized.
  4. Enjoyed climbing again with KK and friends. Thanks to all! Having climbed this route at least twice before--over 20 years ago--I was surprised by the crowds. My thanks to the step-kickers lower down--sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you in person Daniel. Were you leading the party with the girl dressed in green? Also, nice to meet the two skiers (Fresh and Co.) just topping the rim when we were coming down. I was the guy with the "Toyota" baseball cap who wished you a good ski down--it looks like you had a good ride. Good job solving the puzzle through the seracs too. Even from above, I couldn't see how you did it. Mmmmm. Welcome to high camp: KK: Anointing the crater: The Kautz rappel:
  5. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    GGK reminds me of a California transplant who left The Golden State for a better life in Washington or Oregon but is now busy trying to shape his new home into the one he left.
  6. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    Whoa. Did ScottH get banned? If so, why?
  7. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    news flash......we are all idiots.... what book would you be referring too? Any book. Preferably non-fiction. You are seriously lacking a foundation.
  8. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    Kevbone's such a fucking idiot, even his fellow libs won't come cover his six. Kevie, pick up a book for God's sake.
  9. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    I would prefer it if people who don't care about politics would abstain from voting. Contrary to what most would say, there is nothing wrong with not voting.
  10. Fairweather

    clinton & obama

    Hey bonehead, guess what? I voted against both Gore and Kerry. That's right; I voted for Bush twice.
  11. Uh, yea. Trad...umm...watch out for that...never mind. You'll figure it out.
  12. I haven't read it for over ten years. Why? Because nothing ever changes and lessons that could be learned are rarely, if ever, applied. That weather was not a surprise.
  13. The Supreme court provided some clarification on the second amendment this morning. Hopefully this will clear things up for some here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,372041,00.html For those who refuse to read FoxNews: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7474924.stm
  14. What about FW? I wish to be part of your dark epiphany too.
  15. The Supremes are due to issue a ruling on The Second Amendment any time now. I predict much Spray.
  16. Damn that bitch! The wheat she is using as a bookmark belongs to all of the people! Reeducation for this enemy of the people! And her whole fucking family too!
  17. I didn't say it wasn't useful or appropriate, I just said that in this case it was not my intent. I'm glad you believe greenies actually "care" for the poor more, but, unfortunately, the practices and policies they promote don't always translate into net positive effect. Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.
  18. Fairweather

    fiery orb

  19. As usual, your facts are wrong. McCain is opposed to drilling in ANWR. He supports more offshore/shelf drilling. The point of this post was not Republican=good, Democrat=bad. The point was to demonstrate that expanding a bad program like ethanol subsidies is a knee-jerk reaction from the left that is at least as bad as any accusations of the same directed at the right. I can think of several times where "do-gooders" (typically, the left) got it dead wrong: Margarine. Requiring toxic flame retardants in children's clothing. Requiring the additive MTBE in gasoline. Etc. Etc. Sometimes they're just simple meddlers: Bicycle helmets, cell phone restrictions, seatbelt laws for adults. That's not to say they don't get it right sometimes: Airbags/seatbelts as standard equipment, certain labor and wage laws, certain enviro regs that are not exclusively social in nature, etc. That's all this thread was about--but lefties in particular seem hell-bent on preserving their orthodoxy and tagging the simplest dissent as blasphemy. Amazing.
  20. The waste could be placed at Yucca Mountain repository in Nevada where the feds have spent billions building a complex only to have the state delegation get cold feet. As for uranium, it can be reprocessed multiple times, all the way to bomb-grade and beyond. Then, we simply shape it into a W88. A win-win.
  21. Nope, there sure isn't. Guess that whole "cancer-cell as survival strategy" that petro-capitalism has provided us will just have to be rethought. There is nothing in Obama's plan that provides the replacement energy. As for rethinking capitalism? I predict extreme violence if we go there. And I will gladly participate.
  22. Leave it to Prole to find the downside of getting a blowjob.
  23. Yesss, bring upon us the cleansing fires! I like my idea better.
  24. Would a world wide campaign to encourage more blow jobs help prevent overpopulation?
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