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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Fairweather

    slow news

    Slow News is how we were able to firebomb Japanese cities and incinerate a million civilians without much public outrage.
  2. I think Gary needs a break from academia.
  3. Seriously; did you even read the text below the picture? When I posted what I thought was a fairly apolitical link I had no idea it would reveal the real Prole.
  4. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  5. Fairweather


    Eddie is far behind the master: [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  6. Yep. Sounds like the classic liberal hate list. Gotta agree about the thongs on fat chicks though. And vegans too. And this, oh yea... [video:youtube]
  7. I've never seen Glen Beck's show. In fact, I can't stand O' Riley (condescending bastard) or Hannity either. I've listened to Savage a few times, but the guy is just too fucking dark. Limbaugh, at least, adds a level of tongue-in-cheek satire to his show, and I listen to him and Michael Medved from time to time. As for Obama hating white people: I haven't seen or heard anything that leads me to believe he is racist in any way. It's his policies--and his lack of candor regarding them--that should be the focus of concern and, yes, even anger. But I am curious how he could have sat quietly through twenty years of Reverend Wright: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAYe7MT5BxM
  8. I just love the way overweight, uneducated dumbfucks like Choada can't even comprehend--much less carry on a conversation about--points of a given topic where disagreement exists. I suspect his place in this world is a dark corner, from which he briefly and violently emerges only to spew the above bullshit. Just what the world needs: another leftist sociopath.
  9. ...and, of course, have someone else pay for it. Sorry, but I would rather tolerate the present cost-shifting scheme via higher premiums than sacrifice any more freedom to government.
  10. I guess all your spouting off about freedom was just smoke up everyone's ass...
  11. Yes, and we're all still waiting for that smoking gun that details how the public option health care proposals under consideration in Congress are "tyrannical". Do let us know when you find it. Because it abrogates a legitimate contract I have with my health insurance provider and will ultimately force me into a long line with the likes of you and j_b.
  12. "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." --C.S. Lewis
  13. Something tells me that little Prole was always picked last for dodge ball.
  14. Meanwhile: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=8344083&page=1 "Poll: 57% Don't See Stimulus Working Six Months After Obama Launched Stimulus, Majority of Americans Think It's Done Little to End Recession..."
  15. You keep spouting that 65% figure w/o any backup whatsoever. Since 84% of Americans have health coverage of some kind, I'm thinking you either pulled the number out of thin air, or had it spoon-fed directly into your vacuous skull by Huffingtonpost. As for You & Co voting out Obama and his fellow socialist "sellouts"; well, feel free.
  16. And since it's impossible to leave no trace, let's just wreck it some more. Listen, Jefe, believe it or not, before sport climbing and grid bolting, climbers managed to have a dandy time and left a fraction of the trace/mess that is common at just about every cliff today. Your argument seems to suggest that since we can't possibly have zero impact, anything goes. i can't imagine anyone ever had fun climbing with a judgmental, pompous ass like you, pope. your stifling dogmatism and rigid self-righteousness couldn't possibly yield anything that anyone would deem "fun". http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/tripreports/fromsearch/1/user_name/el%20jefe Trip Report Index: Search Results for el jefe: Nothing. Nada. No trip reports. This moron does not climb at all. Browsing results of search for: Posted by el jefe, New Search 1 Date Type Location|Route Region Posted By
  17. 1.) The above picture is brought to you by Choada and the communist regulatory system he promotes. 2.) Choada's patronizing brand of racism vis a vis the Chinese people wears only the thinnest of veils.
  18. Very nice. CC.com trip report of the summer, IMO! I've wanted this one for a long time--and now I want it even more! Was the heli easy to arrange?
  19. pres #2= Adams and #5 too! You're thinking of his son; John Quincy Adams--but he was #6. #5 was James Monroe. I guess the mountain doesn't care which two of the same-names it was tagged with. Let's just call it Pa-To.
  20. Wasn't the 777 built w/o a mock-up too? Are the issues really Cad-related, or is this more of a materials thing? I've heard the B2 Bomber has had delamination issues to the point that they avoid flying it in the rain. It seems that Airbus has had their problems too. I recall the composite tail came off of a plane over The Bronx just after 9/11 and killed 200+. I've also heard Boeing engineers have divided into at least two squabbling camps? In any event, it's a shame they aren't meeting their goals--but I guess it is reassuring that they are unwilling to deliver an aircraft with safety issues. It's kind of like Lasik. I'll wait and see if they stay in the air for a few years before I hop aboard.
  21. Have the engineers there been sniffin' too much epoxy, or what? Sorry Boeing, but I'll be requesting an aluminum aircraft when I book my future travel.
  22. Don't know much aboot Garibaldi. Our plans haven't gelled yet, but that Sir Donald trip Dru posted is on the short list along with Joffre N Face or a short Bugaboo primer.
  23. I just cleaned, filleted, and barbecued up a whole salmon in front of my wife. Nothin' yet...
  24. Dooood! Don't ever upset Chuck. You'll bring his wrath down upon us all.
  25. Beginning next week, I'm free every weekend until October 1. And there's still lots to do... I'll be looking for Ptarmigans, circling the second president, participating in an all-day/one day conga-line, and spending some time practicing my "eh's".
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