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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. When you view how poorly this supposed school teacher constructed the first sentence, is it really a stretch to believe his personal lexicon is, um, limited?
  2. Along with the irrelevant context, Choada's demonstrably limited vocabulary make your theory an unlikely one. Choada remains an overweight tool and a dumbass.
  3. Yeah, now that all those right wing douche bags like Joe Six Pack think the world is going to end because we elected a black man as president. Of course, ignorant people think, say, and do ignorant things. Take the "birthers" for example, and the brown-shirt Nazi cornholes like Rush and Hannity that goad their ilk. Pretty sickening we've reached this low in our supposedly enlightened age, but not surprising considering how deep the hole is Bush that dug us into over the last eight years. Nadir, here we come: Palin 2012!!! Funny how uneducated tools like Choada are always the first to bring up race. I wasn't there, so I don't know. And neither do you. BTW: It's N-a-d-e-r. Dumbass.
  4. I like your post, but read the fine print. The bastard's lying to you about this. Flat out lying.
  5. More effective:
  6. How can he get up there and lie like that? Does he believe his own shit? Let me see if I have this right: Lord Obama is going to raise half of the money needed for his commie medicine plan by "cutting medicare payments to doctors and hospitals", and the rest by taxing a few millionaires? I'm sure the nation's elderly will really appreciate being written off so 9 million illegals can be cared for properly. Even the CBO and fellow Dems are balking. What a joke this president is.
  7. I'll bet you're the angry letter-writing parent who had the jungle-gym pulled from the playground too. A nation of pussies--brought to you by j_b and like-minded sucklers.
  8. Overweight, dope-smoking, angry ex-climbers with goatees. I guess you're part of some new post-middle age hipster trend? You go boy!
  9. ThIS mUSt MaKE iT DifFiCulT tO maSteRBaTe.
  10. Texting is another story. It is a physical distraction and has no place in the driver's seat. Texting is quickly becoming a major (anti) social ill.
  11. More like this:
  12. Leave it to a tool like j_b to support the imposition of government upon even the most benign of freedoms. Shall we ban casual conversation inside personal vehicles too?
  13. Teens and young adults who text during meals are a much bigger problem.
  14. That he reliably botches even the simplest contractions rules out anything in the education field. I suspect he dabbles in late-night bovine or equestrian "studies" on the pastures beneath Mount Pete. We see him here bringing in a sample for the camera. I do believe Lulu Bell is almost in season!
  15. Just noticed this. No words can comfort. We know she was a special woman because she tolerated and/or embraced the antics and obsessions of a husband climber. Hang in there.
  16. Well then, I guess the rest of us are just confused about how you chose the title for your thread. You truly are just a dumbass with a deportation order pending.
  17. Taken 3 days ago: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/multimedia/lroimages/apollosites.html I hope Kevbone, j_b, & Co will use this to reevaluate their personal mental health and finally seek the professional assistance they so desperately need.
  18. You are hittin it this summer! That's a nice climb.
  19. I've looked at it too. I concluded that if it weren't a complete nightmare it would have been done, but who knows! It would be a great way to Mount Tom.
  20. The glaciers are shrinking. No shit. You don't even have to go to Sajama or Anchohuma to see it. But ambient air temperature isn't the only reason this would be occurring, now is it? !Vivi en Bolivia para dos anos estupida chingada madre!
  21. You been reading Wendell Berry?
  22. Yeah, I've done 2 climbing trips to Bolivia in their winter (also their dry season). It was Hawaiian shirts and golf umbrellas all the way up to 20,000 ft, baby! Love that equator! Can you see the equator from your house, FW? Personal anecdote trumps scientific method? Well done little robot.
  23. IMO, the IPCC's conclusions were arrived at, largely, by affirming the consequent. CO2 scattering of IR radiation may yet prove correct as the primary cause of warming, but their "conclusions" fail to address other possible causes for Q. In any event, my main point was the whole concept of winter in Peru as an argument of semantics and the BBC's uncanny ability to weave "climate change" into every story however far removed from the observable it may be.
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