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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Bush could get caught snorting blow off his daughter's inebriated naked ass and Fairweather would still call the election in his favor.
  2. Or how about the voter registrants in Portland who were being paid to register Republicans, but not Democrats? On the local news last night...
  3. I'm still in for the #1.5 Tech Friend--$20.
  4. I have never understood why the "-GRUVEN" series of bumperstickers, apparel, mugs, and other assorted merchandise is amusing or interesting to some people. Can someone explain this to me? I know about the VW ad campaign that unaccountably spawned it all, but why, oh why? Also, those stupid abbreviation-in-a-white-oval bumperstickers. Why? Euros started using them for their countries (D, F, etc.) a while back when borders were less porous over there, but why is it the cool thing to do these days with every trendy place in the US (NRG, OBX, FLG, etc.)?
  5. Probably pictures of him climbing Scented Candles Direct and the Enya variation on Yanni Buttress. It's nice to see a massage practicioner who's not all frou-frou about the healing arts. Good on ya, Bob.
  6. I'll have to chip in a few bucks for that issue. Sounds riveting.
  7. A bold statement there, Matt! Way to fight the power 'n stuff.
  8. Clinton vs. Edwards: a battle fought and won in the hairstylist's chair. It's Strong Woman Hairhelmet vs. Charismatic Countryboy Bowl-cut. Only you can decide which coiffure will rule the land!
  9. Ah, "neither". As governor, "neither" will fight special interests and listen to the people. Only "neither" has the experience to get things done in Olympia. Vote for "neither"!
  10. New York?
  11. Ok, how about I trade you straight up for a copy of Also sprach Zarathustra in the original German?
  12. $20 for the 1.5.
  13. slothrop

    Oh. God. No.

    Some guy with an jaw-droppingly crappy website had a domain name I wanted. I offered to redesign his site and move it to a new domain if he would just gimme the domain I wanted. He didn't even answer my emails.
  14. Americans will never have stringent driver licensing requirements. It infringes too much on every man and woman's God-given right to drive like a moron. Keep the guvmint out of my truck cab, gawdammit! I got a $200+ speeding ticket in NC once (14 over in a work zone) and a week or so later, now living in Seattle, got a big envelope in the mail. It was a bunch of advertisements from local ambulance chasers offering to get my fine reduced. I paid one, who pled the charge down to "faulty equipment". No stain on my driving record, no increase in insurance premium. I don't feel too bad about it because my speedometer was indeed faulty... I thought I was going slower than what I was clocked at.
  15. Can you cut and paste the text? I don't have Word.
  16. Wow, I just looked at the Big Wall Tips thread... it's a Lambone strokefest! I think he's found his warm fuzzy place.
  17. I'll no longer refer to myself as an "alpinist", but an "ascensionist". "Alpinist" is so 2003, pfft.
  18. I believe that was a guy named Cam. Stylin'!
  19. Were you caught speeding in the "safety zone" or whatever it's called around Mt. Hood? "Traffic fines double in the safety zone"... yikes.
  20. Nice shot of me making out with my girlfriend at the fire Fun times... it was good to put some more faces to names.
  21. How's about $30? I mangled my 1.5 Friend recently and want a replacement.
  22. Try "img" instead of "image" in them thar square brackets:
  23. slothrop

    Bush Lied?

    Don't be so indignant, as if I speak for Kerry. I meant "knew" in the sense that "we all know" and that it seemed inevitable given the personalities and power games being played. Just like we "know" that Bush will keep saying that the war was justified even as the evidence crumbles around him.
  24. slothrop

    Bush Lied?

    Sure, he knew. But the vote gave the President responsibility, he fuct it up, and now he refuses to take the blame.
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