@ SG: what Alpinfox sez, except
vertical hands: 5.7
overhanging hands: 5.10
fingers/tips through roof (hands) in old bouldering area, rocks for feet: 5.10
fingers in back alcove, old bouldering area: 5.9+
thin hands in front room: ridiculous
@ UW rock
overhanging hands with back to arete, N side W tower: 5.10+
S side of W tower, flaring fist crack: 5.9+ layback, I can't jam that shit
S side of W tower, slanting shallow hands: 5.8
S side of big tower, fists to fingers: 5.9
N side of big tower, rightmost hand crack: 5.10 start to 5.8
E side of westernmost wall, shallow offwidth: 5.9+ layback... or you can Leavittate it like AlpineDave
500-foot hand cracks to the top of the Bank of California building: looks like 5.8 all the way