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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. Have fun, Tim!
  2. I felt the same way. I had slung that horn for a belay and Ben somehow forgot to take the 20 FEET OF BRIGHT ORANGE CORD with him when he cleaned the next pitch. It would have been a pain to belay him back down the slab move to get it, so we just moved on. It's all yours now, CBS.
  3. Ah, that must have been you guys we heard whooping it up Saturday morning when we were on Prusik. I assume you found the cordelette my friend Ben left around a belay horn mid-route.
  4. slothrop

    Japanese Gardens

    Speak for yourself.
  5. Dreamweaver or (ick) FrontPage are both good for designing a website without too much HTML know-how. The cheapest way (free) to get narratives and pictures online is blogger.com + flickr.com, but using those won't give you a website under your domain name. Custom web design won't be cheap any time soon.
  6. Eric, don't you have a few cover sheets to finish up before you can even start to think about the count page? Yeeeeaaaah....
  7. slothrop

    Summer. Fuckineh.

    It melts by the time it gets to the west coast, duh. We only have Italian sodas out here.
  8. Cool photo! Matt, are you saying you'd belay right where the climber is?
  9. Many of the detainees are and have been innocent civilians. The military's own estimates put the percentage of useful prisoners (those with actual intelligence information) at something less than 25%. I'm sure the Marines and Army kill the ones actually caught trying to kill them. That's their job. We've killed thousands more innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan already than were killed in the WTC and in all other terrorist attacks on US civilians or soldiers since then. Innocent people, not insurgents/terrorists/assorted bad guys. Oops, right? Just a part of war. I just can't wrap my feeble little mind around how people equate fighting the insurgency in Iraq with defending the USA. Soldiers fighting in Iraq are defending each other, their possessions, and Iraqi civilians. We lost in Vietnam but magically, somehow, the Reds didn't take over the world. There are policy choices other than "unjustifiable, expensive, embarrassing, interminable war."
  10. slothrop

    Japanese Gardens

    Some white person should go chop all the bolts on Honky's Lament in Leavenworth. Pope? You can whistle this little ditty while you work.
  11. There's Vesper on the left, viewed from Del Campo on 5/29: There was a couple feet of snow on the north side of the ridge before you get to Gothic Basin, which is at about 5k'(?). It's melting fast, though.
  12. Teanaway River Rd to the end of pavement, then take the right fork dirt road until it ends at the trailhead in several miles. Stay on the main road. Hike up the trail 1/4mi. to a fork, turn right. Stay left at the next fork. There are signs on the trail at the junctions, you're looking for Ingalls Way Trail and Ingalls Pass.
  13. Freeway Park? So the junkies can order a fix online?
  14. That's the South Ridge in the background, sort of hidden behind the rock fin on the right. I took the photo from very close to the base of the route. It's gotta be bone dry by now.
  15. Put the image tag inside the URL tag, like this: [ url=http:// bigpicture ][ image ] http:// littlepicture [ /image ] [ /url ]
  16. Your mom stole all my towels for use as "sanitary napkins", old boy. I'm fresh out.
  17. Your mom's already in the kitchen bakin' me a pie, so flour is just the most convenient way to get the job done.
  18. What's your stank-nastiest piece of gear? My old windstopper gloves are repulsive from the other side of the room after the average trip and the scent lingers on my hands after repeated washings. Please, no stories of ten-year-old polypro briefs. That's cheating.
  19. Like so: Just after Ingalls Pass: South Ridge on Ingalls Peak North: Click any of the images to download bigger versions.
  20. I was up there Sunday 5/22. Snow started a few hundred feet below Ingalls Pass along the trail and the basin around the lake is under about two feet of freshiez. The sun sure melts it off fast, though, as there was much more bare trail on the hike out midafternoon. The road is indeed open to the trailhead. Stuart sure is perty with a nice dusting!
  21. You place a yellow Friend and yard on it to start Leap of Faith
  22. Either the Nisqually Glacier on Mt Rainier or the Coleman on Mt Baker are easily accessed and should have some crevasses for you to practice falling into.
  23. slothrop


    Admit that you thought of that as an SQL query.
  24. Studies have shown commercial health insurance in the US to be quite a bit more inefficient than social health programs in the US and in other countries. Here's a biased link for ya: http://www.amsa.org/hp/myths.cfm
  25. Ya don't need a 70m rope to rap off of Godzilla, just make sure you even out the ends of your 60m rope. Are there many climbs put up where 70m ropes are required to reach between fixed belays? Any around here? It would suck to have to start buying 70m ropes because route developers used that length as a standard.
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