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Everything posted by schlangeschmecker

  1. Hey gang! Who's up for a little mixed work up at the Rap Wall? They've got bolt trails equipped with quickdraws and even fixed ropes to swing on. Come on!
  2. Too bad Cougar QB's are fragile.
  3. She's got a face made for radio.
  4. I crapped my pants just looking at your photos. You guys got balls.....great, big, fucking balls!
  5. From a man who happens to have built his life around copious quantities of both activities, I would have to ask why anybody would feel the need to ponder this question.
  6. \ Oh no. I didn't miss za point. I saw the other one too. Maybe it's just me, but I have difficulty tuning in to an a.m. radio family counselor who has appeared in photographs I wouldn't let my kids view.
  7. Bullshit, Privat Pile. A cam may fail in a parallel-sided crack. A cam will never fail (unless it walks out of position) when placed behind a constriction. At a belay, a bomber nut is always better than a cam in a parallel-sided crack. This just seems obvious. But then, who is going to avoid a bomber nut placement in favor of an all-cam belay? I also think three pages of opinion and emotion have been devoted to the wrong question. What I see as an extremely hazardous and all too common practice is when climbers belay directly off of the anchor, regardless of its quality. I think the importance of the belayer's stance should be discussed instead of this gear-freak discussion. Dammit, SlangSmackTalker! Our whole culture is based on the externalizing of problems. And you...you! Come along talking about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY , Mr. High 'n Mighty. What kinda hippy commune you runnin' over there, Dammit? What with Rat, Rolf, FeralPig. Jeez, who knows what goes on... I mean it, Mister E W. If the belay anchor is so marinal that it can't hold a few hundred pounds, maybe a hip belay can relax the anchor strain. Maybe a c-4-Stealth-enhanced stance offers more security than nexted Aliens. Rat....Rolf......hippie communes.....you don't know who you're talking to (but I know who I'm talking to).
  8. Once we saw her naked, she just seemed to lose her charm. She's a victim of her big mouth and her eagerness to prescribe moral standards by which she feels personally unrestrained.
  9. Bullshit, Privat Pile. A cam may fail in a parallel-sided crack. A cam will never fail (unless it walks out of position) when placed behind a constriction. At a belay, a bomber nut is always better than a cam in a parallel-sided crack. This just seems obvious. But then, who is going to avoid a bomber nut placement in favor of an all-cam belay? I also think three pages of opinion and emotion have been devoted to the wrong question. What I see as an extremely hazardous and all too common practice is when climbers belay directly off of the anchor, regardless of its quality. I think the importance of the belayer's stance should be discussed instead of this gear-freak discussion.
  10. Ja, sicher! Und I could teach you how to yodel and blow mein alpen horn!
  11. schlangeschmecker


    And if you wait long enough, somebody will pat your back.....so you don't have to!
  12. schlangeschmecker


    That guy up front is Otto Groper. Get it?
  13. Q. How do you help the sport climber in your life lose 15 pounds? A. Hide his food stamps under his deoderant.
  14. What's gayer than an Easter parade?
  15. Siiiiiiick! Sick ^10! Frickity sickity .....oh just send it! Eeeeeeeeeeh! I was more impressed when Bachar soloed Father Figure after falling off the crux and blowing the on-sight.
  16. If it ain't in the old Brooks/Whitelaw guide, it ain't even worf it. It ain't Leavenworfit. Personally, I'd like to see about two dozen more photos of this perky Sean Coward character. He just makes me all hot and bothered. Yowsa!
  17. You're approaching Outerspace on a Tuesday morning, and you think you've got it to yourself, when suddenly you hear some female voice yelling, "Tension!" That's when you look up to see a party of three Mounties just starting the crux pitch and the female trip leader is already aiding the first 10 feet getting off of Two-Tree Ledge.
  18. schlangeschmecker


    Who's got 'em? Bunch of loooooooosers (Big Lou-sers). What do they say? Essentially, each is a symbol which communicates the same message: The sum of my parts is my hole.
  19. RURP reports seeing these guys surmounting the overhang with a shoulder stand (now there's a move that needs to make a come-back).
  20. Click the picture in order to see the larger version (in a new window!) But be careful: Keibler might just leave a cookie on your hard drive.
  21. I think it's stinky that one cannot vote twice in a poll from the same IP address (but from a different "avatar"....God that word is queer). If I've got the energy and imagination to keep, let's say, 25 "avatars" running at once, I think that each one should be able to vote in a poll, God damn it.
  22. Fuck you!
  23. Shouldn't that be FSAWBHS (first solo ascent while blowing himself senseless)? I don't know how to explain this to you youngsters, but...you know how when you scramble up some scruffy bluff backside of the Enchantments, thinking you're on a pioneering adventure, only to find a rusty pin on the summit and a cluster of stashed Pete Doorish water bottles in the descent drainage? Well, I'm sorry to tell you that wild men like Tommy (out of Ellensburg) have left their pecker tracks all over your favorite belay ledges. It's all been done. Just ask your girlfriend. I personally added 11-1/2 inches to the summit of Liberty Bell when my busty companion decided to gift me with an adulatory hummer.
  24. Well, your revisionist's history misses the mark. The babes, they like it when I meat them with silly math tricks. And congratulations on a correct solution!
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