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Everything posted by wayne

  1. As far as the basic pharm thing, I am huge on Diamox too! Halcion is good for sleep at low tudes . It will put you out for sure.
  2. Thats not their thing Im sure. Colin, did they do North?
  3. Climbers tend to gravitate to the type of climbing that suits them. I have moved many times to suit the type of climbing I am into at the time. The obvious reason I moved here is I love the type of mountaineering and pure adventure I find here,AND Canada. Let the clippers stay there ! (please)
  4. Anybody hear who the 1 day ascent was made by? I dont think he actually did it.
  5. wayne

    Ade sucks

    Ade is aid. I must congradulate the misses on gettin work! Too bad you cant get out and play though
  6. Its all State park policy , for actually good reasons. Ice climbing is not allowed within 3 miles of the falls. Most of them are visible from the crowded ,ped filled and slipery,narrow road. They havent enforced it except right near the falls or if you are not visible from touron station. THey close the trail often for ice reasons when its cold. There are some great climbs near mult. And if Mult itself actually freezes again(as it did in79) , I will race you for it . I will not retreat unless I want to!
  7. Kort Hause!
  8. I cant believe I made the mistake of emailing this thread to pharmacutical professionals that I know. I had hopes there could be intelligent discussion and information exchange on a relevant topic. My mistake and I hope you are not offended>
  9. We can discuss the nudeness some other time,butt back to the climb. was the e ridge direct a new route? I see noone has done the n face direct start or finish.
  10. Beware sleeping pills at altitude!! They slow your breathing and will make you sick. Most will make you groogy in the am. Sonata , by Wyeth-Ayerst is the pill to take it works in a 4 hr window and the stuff is out of your system after that. It doesnt slow you down as it works on your mind rather than slow your body. I havent found anything better and I have tried them all,
  11. If the Hummer isnt big enough , try the Bradley Family fighting vehicle! It has half the radioactive armament of the leading troop transport Sorry to do this to your great thread RB, The medicine is now taking effect.
  12. SUVs are just a bellweather on how spoiled we are with our consuming in general. The place is warming in general and weve all been doing our industrial belch thang for centuries, We are just so used to fucking the planet anyways so dont stop now someone may notice and call you strange
  13. Wow, I bothered to look up when I last did Rooster/Crown and was shocked to see it was 25 years and 1 month ago! We had to make our own moss back then. I am truly now an old shit. 17 years since I did Crown Jewel. I need to stock up on Depends. The Ice in the Gorge used to come in more before we all got SUV's and shit. About every 3 years or so. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=383&papass=&sort=1&thecat=507
  14. Has anyone tried those thin Emergecy -bivvy sac type things I have seen in REI? They are foil with a thin insulation. Maybe ok in hot summer/
  15. Just the Moderwators playing God
  16. What the hell was that and why did you pull it so quick.? That was the funniesst shit ive seen on this board for a while! Vey sweet Attitude!
  17. You gotta be carefull, too, when you tie off to those "Chickstones"!
  18. Nice work Donn and friend! That one I have yet to do myself. I am thinking of going the other direction for the hell of it .Does that sound fun at all?
  19. There is nothing like moss over choss! Good job fellow dirt eaters of America. Glad to see the true spirit of adventure displayed here. Please get help immediatly.
  20. For at least the next few minutes?I think its pretty world class to do in 10+days. I gave it some logistical thought myself you would need shuttles and maybe a float plane to realistically do that . Hell,I am happy to have just done 10 summits in just less than a month.But nothing is impossible, just why the hell would you wanna do something like that?
  21. How about all 10 - 9ers in a week??
  22. This is but a small chapter in the history of this crag. This has been happening for many decades you little kids. It is simply too accessable to keep hangers on it, TRY CHAINS IF YOU WANT TO ANCHOR IN!!
  23. I was expecting to solo it . David threw his harness and small rack+rope in. He and I were glad we had it on a couple of spots.No rock shoes make it interesting as well. Expect to get off route a little and get into 5.6R -loose.Good stuff to have a rope on. Give the thing a try!
  24. How did you like that chimney?
  25. Gonna load a couple of photos Dave? Please
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