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Everything posted by Drederek

  1. Any chance of quarry climbing tomorrow Off? Weather forecast is prime for the early afternoon.
  2. I guess what I'm getting out of this is you can't get sponsored unless you sell yourself amd your accomplishments so hard that you basically become a: a 'douche' if you're not that good, b: a car salesman if you've got a decent product or c: all that and a box of rocks if you're the real deal. My problem is they all sound like small children begging for attention to me.
  3. Would you rather have sex with someone who loves it or someone being paid to do it? Of course sponsorship is a sin!
  4. I'd like a 4pm reservation for 2 please!
  5. Thx, we were lucky saturday was our only option as the forecast was better for sunday. When we got above the trees on the trail towards Longs pass the mtn was fogged over and by the time we got to the top it was snowing rather steadily. We were thinking it would have been a mess up there sunday, sorry you missed it.
  6. Sat 8am 10:30 "lets bust out the rope!" Summit by 4pm What a day!
  7. Go for it, it may suck, see ya up there!
  8. If you're in B'ham I don't think its much further to Darrington than Erie. Darrington rocks for easy trad. When its raining in the cascades it can be sunny at Erie, thats the time to check it out.
  9. Thuggery is fun! Getting pumped can be caused by lack of vascularity which can be cured by lifting weights hi rep lo wt or lots of 5.8 thuggery. Crimpy routes at the gym lead to extensive knowledge of finger tendon issues.
  10. What's in the little box on your harness? The souls of humans I've captured on film! MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
  11. 2.3 billion budget divided by 284 million visits is about 9 bucks a visit. About the cost of a movie! I'll keep buying the $80 pass and hope that the money goes to parks. They should change the golden age pass to the golden disadvantaged pass, I'd guess many seniors could afford to pay full price and let someone struggling get the break.
  12. Its way more fun going left at the roof on Cocaine crack.
  13. Its easily doable in an hour and a half but not with the wife. Especially if you linger near the waterfalls.
  14. I don't think the brothers has too much scree, I wouldn't lug an ax or pons up this time of year. As an alternative I'd suggest Mt Wa then traverse to Ellinor. Easy to find and after going up the standard route you may want to come back sometime and try the se or e ridge. About as close to pdx as you can get in the Olys.
  15. Yeah, go to the anchor, maybe even tr the part you muffed on the way down. Do you visualize the moves during your aerobic workout? It may be the brain getting tired along with the body.
  16. Somewhere between my comfort zone and what I think is totally insane is where I try to climb. Too comfy and I get complacent, too scary and I just get pissed off. A small dose of adrenaline, just a taste, and I'm good. We all talk about how you can do everything right and still get whacked, but I think the reverse is way more common, we can get away with plenty of stupid shit almost every time. Oh we learn and get better at avoiding those situations but there are lots of chances to fuck up in the hills. Maybe its just me but I doubt it.
  17. Hides your ass!
  18. location of granny's deck may help...
  19. Its a squeeze, not challenging to get up but hard to make it look good. Its definitely past the crack roof up thing. I'd recommend Careno corners (p3?) for a nice OW.
  20. The last pitch of Godforsaken Land on the squaw is similar.
  21. its OK to go outside if you can hop on one foot like a boy scout!
  22. Drederek

    Sport vs Trad

    The only way to leave no trace at all would be to kill yourself immediately.
  23. Drove up to the end of the road with my dad a few weeks ago looking for a route to st peters dome. We walked past the blockage to the landing at the end of the road and there was the brothers staring us in the face. It appeared the east ridge ought to go at first glance, so I took some pics to look at later. The puter I downloaded them into has since crapped out. Its going into shop soon, I'll post a pic when/if I get it back. I'd give the route a try for sure, from the landing its only a couple miles and <3k to the summit. thought I got a better pic of the ridge, its the right skyline. It'll be brushy for the firet half. I can't believe noones tried this.
  24. Due to a fire started last week that they are going to monitor and let burn. Sounds like its on the same side of the creek as the trail and a bit below the lake. The fire guy I talked to also said they were setting up sprinklers to try and save the vegetation around the lake. The road is still open to points beyond for now.
  25. Way to go guys! Looks like a fun day. Bout time someone devirginized that boy
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