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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Peter_Puget

    Dino Rossi

    I just shaved for the first time since the end of the regular season! Fear the beard is right! By the way the DH is weaker than J_B! I say eliminate it and return to real baseball!
  2. There is now a thread in spray for your posting pleasure....
  3. Peter_Puget

    Dino Rossi

    Well my first point is the GIANTS just won the World Series! My second is that I wont be able to get to Peoria this fall so no more baseball until next spring. I may get grumpy! Edit:
  4. Peter_Puget

    Dino Rossi

    ~25% of the voting age population is "over half the country"? your arithmetic aint 2 gud. Wow Mr Math returns! Sadly your reading comprehension is far below your math skills - Although you use your typical jack boot tactics and try to smear me by suggesting that the quote was mine a discerning reader (Kevbone for example) will note that the quote you are attributing to me is really from the FT. You’re a f%%$# thug!
  5. Peter_Puget

    Dino Rossi

  6. ...just cleaning up the spray....
  7. Peter_Puget

    Dino Rossi

    This should be your tag line! More true words have never been written.......
  8. Geuss you'll have to post that code in Google to find out...damn site wont show Arabic. I blame Murdoch.
  9. ماجرای مک‌فارلین
  10. Hey ya jack booted little thug I think you meant to type this: ماجرای مک‌فارلین
  11. True I was saved by a chance encounter with this book: Viva the revolution!
  12. Raised by hippies, forced to go to left wing experimental schools I had it worse than Kaspar Hauser.....
  13. Bummed I can't see Cain pitch...Go Giants!
  14. Obviously you're a liberal and wanna see the A's play.....
  15. Last night while walking into AT&T I saw plenty of non-official Lincecum shirts displaying a pot leaf on the front for sale. As the game started I told my family how as a kid I always felt the A's and the Raiders seemed like the Democrats and the Giants and 49s seemed like the Republicans. It seems like the Republican/Pothead coalition is still going strong! GO GIANTS!
  16. I though thtat might be the case. Hey Combat 84 are playing this weekend why dont we go check out the show!
  17. Interesting and somewhat related...... link
  18. Unlike the author of the above post. I don't think the purposes of laws regulating the sale and distribution of alcohol should include guaranteeing any subset of brewers or distillers a market for their goods. Methinks you mistook the authors purposes for my own. Jay I already posted the vulgate version of this post.
  19. I stand unashamed of my man crush! By the way the upside of last night is we get to see Cain pitch again! Go GIANTS! I will say almost cried last night when I heard a 3rd grader comment that it was almost too hot to keep wearing his panda hat!
  20. Fuck you must have shit your brain out with you last "hot carl."
  21. G_I_A_N_T_S
  22. Damn you're fucked up Prole. Now this guy is hot right now!
  23. What climbs have you found dirty from lack of traffic?
  24. Peter_Puget

    Follow the Money

    Perspective...... Proctor & Gamble Revenue 2010 ~ $79 Billion Proctor & Gamble Net income 2010 ~$13 Billion P & G Advertising Spend 2005 ~$5 Billion Total money spent onthe last pres election year (all races) 5.3 Billion Est GDP US $14.3 trillion. What's shocking is that so litle is actually spent on our elections.
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