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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. at his slideshow gator was saying how most people are lost between muir and partway up from paradise. that made it kind of haunting when i heard the report on the news last night. sadness.
  2. i do agree that you should not climb a route that you do not think you're ready for, but "slow" is relative. most people don't plan to go any slower than they normally climb - which to other people might seem slow no matter what (and those people should full well know that not everybody climbs as fast as they do and plan accordingly). shit happens.
  3. is wearing climbing shoes considered aid for a nude ascent?
  4. decided to become a sport climber? (j/k.) wow!
  5. glad you found someone! you're leaving the nw for good? where you going???
  6. i wanted to add that i ordered from them because i found a link to their site where i could save 25% off of their sale prices, so even after shipping it was still cheaper than buying the item from a place offering free shipping. for anybody interested, that link is: www.ebags.com/friends/cshreffler ... just be prepared for your new subscription to tv guide.
  7. ebags wrote: We apologize for the confusion. You have not been charged anything for this subscription, and it is a gift directly from TV Guide. We apologize this gift was not made more clear in the shopping cart during checkout, but it was listed. There is no extra or hidden cost involved. The refund mentioned is simply an offer to get a rebate from TV Guide directly if you do not want the gift, but you were never charged any amount of this subscription. Please note the following information listed on our site concerning this promotion: "Only valid to customers with a valid eBags order during promotional time period. Your paid order includes a 13 issue subscription to T.V. Guide. Your subscription will be processed as soon as your order is confirmed! There are no hidden obligations and you will not receive any bills. The cost of your subscription is included in your order. If you later decide that you do not want a subscription to T.V. Guide, we will send you a check for $2.50. To receive this refund, send a self addressed stamped envelope to: eBags Unsubscribe, PO Box 682108, Franklin, TN 37068. Make sure to include a copy of your credit card statement verifying your paid order along with Proof of Purchase. Refund requests must be received within 90 days of your eBags purchase. Your first issue of T.V. Guide will arrive in 8-10 weeks. At no time will any credit card number be shared ? this is a paid subscription with no hidden obligations." We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. ebags says "rebate" ... tv guide says "refund" ... i say "whatever" ... it's still a shoddy business practice in my view!
  8. glad somebody didn't have to work and could take advantage a beautiful day on the white stuff!
  9. and just because you don't ask you'll feel better about yourself?
  10. i guess it's really not that surprising. but wtf?
  11. i can't believe you two used to be housemates! so much ...
  12. they completed the climb and did not need to bail. maybe people like you shouldn't be such a dumb ass dick by climbing routes that are so beneath your grade that they are not challenging enough to teach you a thing or two.
  13. pics rock. thanks for the tr. i like how you did it super old school pioneer adventurer style. (you get extra style points for that!)
  14. this is an old thread, but i just re-read tg's tr and it is fantastic.
  15. thinking of taking a short trip to hell's canyon. i bought a trail guide but am wondering if anybody's got any must-do/see recommendations. (we'll only be there a couple of days.) also, is there any technical climbing or cool peaks out there?
  16. there's an idea. i think i'll wait for them to ship it first, though. (i did send a message to customer service politely telling them how i felt and what i wanted them to do about it. curious as to what their response will be ...)
  17. i recently ordered something from ebags.com. at the bottom of my confirmation it says my order automatically includes a subscription to tv guide. if i don't want the subscription i have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope (with proof that i paid for the order at ebags) to get a refund check.
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