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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. that's great you had replacement value insurance!
  2. sweet! thanks, marie! i might take you up on that one. it'd be nice to have a place to park my car and crash if i want to drive out late on a friday night after work.
  3. umm ... i'm not sure why i was on the internet that time of the night. we saw star wars at the cinerama (again) that evening and then had a drink in "downtown" fremont. guess we weren't up for staying out very late!
  4. fun route for sure. glad you enjoyed it!
  5. a group of us stayed in a place right outside of the park. we found it the night we drove out there because we couldn't find any camping that was available - they had a large group apartment with several rooms and just charged us per person since we didn't have enough people to fill it. it was very reasonable compared to what else is out there. our rooms were located above a store and i believe there is also a restaurant there or neaby. at least that's how i remember it. i totally forget the name, though! does anybody know the place i am talking about?
  6. i only watched about the first half. it sure was slow-moving. i wasn't close enough to the front to take any decent pictures so i didn't bother trying. nice day, though.
  7. aka, weird stuff on the internet ... http://www.shotgunrules.com/
  8. we have been "encouraged" to leave at 4:30 today. don't have to twist my arm ...
  9. i can only imagine. i worked a temp job for a dr at uw once. i thought he was worse than some of the lawyers i've known. yeah, whatever happened to 9-5? or how about 9-3? or 10-2? or ... TGIF!!!
  10. i've been wondering something along the same lines.
  11. real jobs suck. well, except for the regular paychecks and the free health insurance. problem is i work with a bunch of accountants who are not very entertaining - oh - 90% of the time.
  12. i'm bored too. looks like a lot of people have already headed for the hills perhaps? bastards!
  13. how long have they been dating now? a whole two-and-a-half months? i can't see it lasting either ...
  14. thelawgoddess


    pretty easy to fill up, i think. i've filled mine up more than once.
  15. the quick answer is yes. i use the old regular standard self-inflating one. and from what i've seen, i'd guess that's what quite a few people use.
  16. maybe so, but dude - don't you know how to resize pictures? it's really hard to get the full effect of a shot when you can only see 1/4 of it on your screen ...
  17. 72" is the normal length for pads. the shorter one is obviously going to be lighter. some people use even shorter 3/4 length ones and just use their packs or something under their feet if it gets too cold. the self-inflating thermarests are great but can be heavy compared to plain foam pads. the self-inflating pads tend to be warmer than foam pads, though, and disguise rocks and such that may be underneath you better as well. imho. don't have experience with other inflatable pads but after many nights of misery using a skinny foam pad for sleeping on glaciers i quickly went out and bought myself a self-inflating one. worth the weight to me. although i'm considering supplementing with a good thick foam pad for times when i need to really watch the total weight i'm lugging around ...
  18. um ... ... that was definitely not me! i was sitting a couple of rows behind the reserved section far looker's right. green pants, white shirt, fuzzy yellow patagucci fleece jacket. btw, you can buy the movies at http://www.paladventurevideos.com/ ... but i wonder if the library might have them to borrow as well ...
  19. i remember reading some of the things he wrote. definitely sounded like a cool experience!
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