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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. thelawgoddess

    I'm here

    rudy has hair?
  2. thelawgoddess


  3. yeah. uh-huh. take this!
  4. i think you mis-read.
  5. hey, no goddesses allowed? don't want me to get stronger than you, eh?
  6. i have been a member of mensa, and i do not consider all of those people to be intellectuals. although "related" ... intelligence does not equal intellect.
  7. what do they say? if you have to ask ...
  8. it's a birthday party, dudes. better there than some lame arcade or paintball range. imho anyway.
  9. if there's something wrong in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?
  10. belaying kids on plastic for no pay.
  11. i don't usually read in entirety the articles people link to this site, but this one i did. i found it fascinating. i can't say i agree with all of his ideas and statements, but it definitely made me think and it's something that will start stewing itself in my head. but maybe that's just because i consider myself an anti-capitalist intellectual.
  12. thelawgoddess

    just for iaxx

    "MisterE sux donkey dick" you don't suck that stuff; you slice off a chunk and chew!
  13. wet holds suck. wet hands suck. chalk's not *really* necessary ... but sometimes it helps.
  14. awesome, dude.
  15. ick, dude!
  16. thelawgoddess


    thy most highly revered and omnipotent overlord of spray:
  17. "He started a patrol that cleared robbers from the mountains," hmm ... sounds like something beck would do!
  18. thanks, dave! told you it was going to rain!
  19. i thought there was going to be a rumble. beck was demanding (and beer) for us "old" people!
  20. umm ... ingalls?
  21. no need; i'm outta here in 4 minutes.
  22. that's a freakin understatement.
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