also there: kiwi, fence sitter, paco, bug, gary yngve, chuck, klenke, jerome, gregm, alex, catbirdseat, cheri and jean (fine lurker women whose "real" names are a mystery to me), and some others i either didn't meet and/or don't remember ...
i am a 65 year old obese woman looking for love in all the wrong places...
Fence, looks like you've come across a few of those?
double ouch!!
not sure who you were either. how come i didn't meet some of you guys? probably because fence, paco, and distel were hoarding me all to themselves! lol; just kidding. my bad, i'm sure! thai food is always welcome in my half-thai tummy. yummy!
you're still missing his point. he isn't taking that argument, and he isn't calling for anything!
oh really? do you know what "capitalism" actually means? (nice friends, by the way. )
klenke, he says "wordsmiths include poets, novelists, literary critics, newspaper and magazine journalists, and many professors." he doesn't say "all poets are wordsmiths." he also doesn't say "all wordsmiths are anti-capitalist intellects." it may seem like i'm nitpicking here, but word usage is pretty important in academic philosophical writing. so is logic.