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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. he's a cold prickly square!!!
  2. does that mean you're bringing your white ass to the bbq tomorrow?
  3. yeah, fence; rumr really does suck. love you, rudy!
  4. i thought for sure he'd make it. how sad!!!
  5. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

  6. can't beat that one ... mmm!
  7. whatever, fence shitty; you've got a big black mark by your name in my book for not showing face last night. on the other hand, it was cool to see so many friendly faces at zeke's on such a beautiful evening! paco, distel32, toast, alpinek, ehmmic, mattp, tread tramp, dave schuldt, chris w, kitten, hollyclimber, jerome, szyjakowski, kiwi, jayb, klenke, ... um ... who'd i forget?
  8. thanks, but no thanks. besides, *i* do the driving!
  9. the stubai ultralights are only $103.95 at pms. pretty bomber aluminum crampons. get the universal binding. and tell jim hi.
  10. hey snoboy, you (*and* your good-looking girlfriend ) are welcome to have beers (NOT jack daniels) on my dock any time!
  11. aw, distel! if they card you, i'll take you the store and get you a half-rack and you can come over to my house and drink yourself silly with your feet hanging off the end of the dock.
  12. no, you do! ps - if you want to come, i'll pick you up and bring you to zeke's if someone else will drive you back.
  13. yeah, i thought over the hill meant 40 or 50. jkrueger, you lied about your age!
  14. no harm in trying, but there's definitely a difference. both have their ups and downs. from my own personal experience with people who haven't climbed much, some people actually get freaked out climbing (and even belaying) on gear. don't knock sport climbing, dude. it's like bouldering but with way bigger boulders! (btw, when we going to smiff?)
  15. nice work on getting the bastard's plate!
  16. that's gross.
  17. dude, she said "sport climbing"? geez. i might be up for some evening climbing. if we're talking gyms, stone gardens is it for me. (i can't afford to go anywhere else!) i live in seattle, but i'm usually done with work by 4pm so hitting up exit 38 in the evening is definitely feasible. i take it from your first post that you don't lead yet?
  18. yeah, try doing that being a girl! first time i went to alki was like that ... and i didn't find any cc.com'ers. found a bunch of guys who wished they were, though! if you're really worried about it come later and there will be a big group of us already there so it should be pretty obvious. and we'll look for the leprechaun ...
  19. OOPS! my bad. i'll change my last post. didn't know there was more than one - never been to any of them ...
  20. yeah it does!!!
  21. 1. 6000 phinney ave n, seattle 98103 3. you probably have to find your own street parking 5. ask. (nobody's gonna shoot you if you guess wrong!)
  22. zeke's? double word. never been there. dig pizza, though.
  23. about linda's: How stiff are the drinks? They need foreplay. Whats the conversation you'll most likely overhear? "You heartless monster fucker bastard egg nugget buffers." source: drunk in seattle
  24. yeah, have you tried any of those lithuanian beers? i've heard they're good. why doesn't fence bring some to the bbq on thursday? hmm?
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