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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. i'm not trying to defend her, but in all honesty sometimes we don't see you guys. and it's not that we aren't paying attention or looking. i've had cyclists sneak up on my blind spot and try to pass straight through on the right in a right-hand turn lane.
  2. ouch. that does suck!
  3. i would rather free solo thanks... yeah, right. that's why you're always ogling them when they walk by!
  4. snoboy, please come down and keep him away from me!
  5. that's not decent or quality at all!
  6. no! really? if you're looking for bribes, pm minx.
  7. thanks for those lovely images, dwayner. i always have fun climbing at vantage and i'm not afraid to admit it. i'd rather go give skin to some granite gods, but this weekend i want sun. the coulee or the river canyon, please.
  8. i've already found it; i'm just trying to figure out a way to get let in for good.
  9. does that mean only half you you will be there?
  10. girl, haven't you ever been to vantage? that's why i always go!
  11. i'm pretty sure i said SUNDAY. besides, if i was available saturday i'd take off for the whole weekend and go somewhere cooler. (if you want to climb with me on saturday, you might be able to find me at a certain plastic crag by the locks.)
  12. sucks that america is run by those right wing values. really sucks. imho.
  13. june 22nd, that is. frenchman coulee. or tieton river canyon.
  14. get a pug. :@
  15. barenaked ladies rocks!
  16. "we"?
  17. yeah, i had a good laugh when i looked that up the other day. nice.
  18. thanks, dude; i feel so much better now!
  19. cool beans!
  20. somebody knows my style!
  21. yeah, dude. i thought you looked familiar!
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