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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. i thought it was down to zeke's or linda's???
  2. i like snoqualmie falls avalanche. deep and complex and 6.8%. mmm. (i also like tuborg ... but you can't get that around here.)
  3. are you using those fancy microsoft products over there?
  4. i love summer mornings!
  5. thelawgoddess

    PLAB = ?

    i heard he found something to do that was more exciting than climbing.
  6. thelawgoddess

    PLAB = ?

    i thought the colonel was the first person i ever heard use it. ???
  7. i miss seeing the sun rise. i got up about an hour later. awesome morning for a run, though!
  8. geez; gimme a break. i like rain; i just prefer bbq's in the summer sun. besides, the forecast is looking up so all's probably going to be well for your white asses.
  9. less than 100 posts? piece of cake!
  10. shut up, you. and don't forget to say hi next time.
  11. amen to that. ugh.
  12. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

    yeah, the other one made more sense than this one. funny that the other one doesn't exist anymore. hmm. guess somebody's mission was accomplished after all!
  13. thelawgoddess

    Route 2

    hey, greg, did you sponsor that billboard?
  14. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

    yeah. i'm still pissed about my lunch money!
  15. what kind of question is that? obviously you think fat must be the best shape for climbing. i climbed stuff. stuff at chek. 11a warm-ups. mmm. (thanks rumr!) stuff at index. thin fingers. mmm. flaring chimney thing. ick!
  16. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

  17. yeah, baby!!! not sure about alki but that'd be a pretty swell place if there is.
  18. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

    lol ...
  19. i might be down for some kind of alcoholic beverage(s).
  20. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

    breathe in, breathe out. sorry. dealing with some unrelated issues at the moment and needed to vent somewhere before i exploded! ps - i dildn't say you were ugly either.
  21. thelawgoddess

    I hope.....

    huh? wtf? because i don't let beer affect who i'm attracted to? come off it, you canine ass-kisser -- you're just jealous because you don't meet my standards and wouldn't no matter how much beer i drank. ps- i never said tommy was ugly; i just don't think he's cute. there's a difference.
  22. ha, ha. i've climbed at the gym like twice this season. and no; dirt don't bother me. i can get dirty!
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