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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. yeah, wirlwind, you f'ing suck!!!
  2. i am SO hungover-bound!
  3. it sounds like he will never be forgotten.
  4. i can't wait to see it!
  5. it was great to finally meet erden. seeing all of his slides and hearing his story and his vision was a wonderful experience. very inspiring. thanks, erden!
  6. thelawgoddess

    Hey E

  7. that *is* kind of funny.
  8. you mean "married men" don't you?
  9. 7pm or 9pm at the mountaineers on thursday, october 30. tickets available at the north face.
  10. sweet!
  11. thelawgoddess


    scott got censored? i can't even fathom that!
  12. bug, have you read tori's book? she wrote it when she was 13 and i thought it was a great kid's book. i put her huck doll up on the camp 4 board this summer after a long trip with it and it was gone quick!
  13. i'm in sea-town until probably monday. then i'm off to t-ride.
  14. skaha never rocked my world, but it sounds like you had fun. you gonna come to indian creek and climb some cracks with me this winter?
  15. thelawgoddess


    yeah, guys suck. eh?
  16. hey minx, ehmmic said "boys". and hot springs surrounded by snow are more my style.
  17. thelawgoddess


    and for that you should have felt privileged! i don't ask very many guys for that favor.
  18. i thought you were moving to texASS.
  19. thelawgoddess

    Thanks Bill!

    i LOVE it!!!
  20. thelawgoddess


    you talking to me or dru?
  21. simul-soloed a slab. climbed a pitch on tr. and watched paco try to will his ass up a smooth wall of granite with no holds on it.
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