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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. Link here TTT
  2. Great story with good reminders... Thanks for writing what you all went through.
  3. Rode a century today....
  4. Yup, N Cascades. Isn't it TWO buck chuck in Cali?
  5. Lets see how many responses they print.
  6. <soap box start> Please take fights to spray <soap box end>
  7. Map here Take sunblock, even if its cloudy, and remember to cover for the rays reflected from the snow.
  8. Thats a great area and a trip I've wanted to do. TTT
  9. Someone asked a question about Liberty ridge conditions. Anyone looking for questions (other than Kautz, DC/ID or Emmons) routes post an update or question here. If looking for partners on routes check the climbing partners forum. TTT
  10. Actually I doubled your chances of finding a partner by leaving a pointer in the Rainier section. People checking over there will see it and look here, and people looking here will see it if they dont go to the Rainier thread. Anyone that checks there should answer too. Hope that helps
  11. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=10862&sort=1&cat=504&page=1 Photos here. Good job! TTT
  12. Just older!
  13. I would say that it is almost steep enough to glissade in places. So, no I wouldnt bet on your buddy keeping up, but wouldnt be too far behind. Mostly cloudy with chance of showers at this time of year up there can mean just about anything, but a lower freezing level for the ledges is one thing in your favor. Colchuck is in this time of year rather than a roll of the dice on Rainier. My .02-I'm sure others have other things to say TTT
  14. Please, lets all find others to do what this board is about. If you want to spray do it in spray section. If you want to find partners to climb with this is the place. Pm me if you want otherwise. TTT
  15. It is done in a day quite often. I did it last year and I think its 19 or 20 miles rt from Snow creek parking lot. Probably snow up there in places. You can also go via Colchuck lake which I think is shorter, but probably better later season. TTT
  16. Well I'm paying a franklin into this. Address to send it: The Trust for Public Land Attn: Rebecca Lavigne - Sam Hill Project 1011 Western Ave., Suite 605 Seattle, WA 98104 You can even use a credit card here. It's tax deductable if you file using charitable contributions . TTT
  17. You should have gone on Saturday.
  18. To_The_Top

    Gym Climbers

    Who would be indoors with this weather???
  19. 3. Rockfall at basecamp at T rock (heard this several times over the years), wild pic Fox and a good reminder that LR is more commiting than some other routes up there. ps: Nice pics Nolse. TTT
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