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Everything posted by hollyclimber
BD #5 Camalot $50 SOLD Two ballnuts and WC zero $10 SOLD Two purple Metolius TCUS (size 0) - $25 each Also have some lightly used BD 5 step aiders (orange and grey/blue) that I will sell as a pair for $20. Metolius rope hook $5 PM me if you are interested in buying something. I can ship it to you if you want but you have to pay me for the shipping. I even have a paypal account I think...
I'd like to go up to Squamish and go sport climbing this weekend: leave Fri night, climb Sat/Sun. Take my VW Westy Camper Van and my large lazy dog. Thinking maybe Rogue's Gallery for at least one day, maybe both, or some Cheakamus action. I've climbed at Rogue's a ton so probably be looking to try a couple new things and lots of old favorites. Same for Cheakamus I guess. Mostly 5.10 and some 5.11s and more of them if they feel good. PM me if interested.
Ok, so I am willing to do some non-climbing stuff tomorrow. Just want to get out and preferably climb. No dog haters need apply because I want to bring my dog. So, maybe cragging at 32 (5.10/5.11 for me), maybe hike to Lake Serene or something similar, or go mountain biking (in which case I will leave the dog at home). PM me if interested (or of course if you have my number call) Holly
OMB- Interested, available. Check your pms/email. Hgb
Fatal Rappelling Accident in the Icicle
hollyclimber replied to olyclimber's topic in Climber's Board
Being negative effects your entire self and the way you perform your actions. Archenemy says we might feel better if we express our fear/dislike of the dangerous activity. I think its probably more productive to feel better because we checked and doublechecked. I am well aware that gravity doesn't depend EXACTLY on which mantra you use. I am also well aware that we create our environment through what we say and do. Much easier to be relaxed and extremely confident and safe when we are confident and positive about ourself and our abilities. How about the mantra RAPELLING IS EASY to calm fears! After all, while it is still the most dangerous part of climbing, it should be easier than whatever we just did to rappel. We all rappel alot (especially if you are a soloist-you have to rappel every pitch you climb) so we should be confident experts at it, not dreading victims waiting to die and moaning our fears. Loves to all of you and wishing you more happy rappeling mantras- Holly -
Fatal Rappelling Accident in the Icicle
hollyclimber replied to olyclimber's topic in Climber's Board
I don't like rappeling either, especially since I have had an accident involving rappeling myself. I think a much better vibe will be created if you say something positive before each rappel. I cringe to think of the negative energy you are creating by saying "I hate rappeling" every time. I don't have a mantra right now specifically for rappeling. But, my climbing mantra in general is "CHECK CHECK DOUBLECHECK" (which is then actually three checks!). I find myself saying this outloud all the time. When I leave base or a topout to make sure I have all the gear, when I rig a rappel, when I am doing some kind of big rope trick, whatever. Rappeling does suck. So does jugging a fixed line on a steep overhanging wall. Mantras like- I am brave, I am safe and check check doublecheck support the positive environment and help create a reality that doesn't suck. Loves--- hgb -
Why is the Everett Group coming the same day as the SEATTLE MOUNTIES INTERMEDIATE CLIMBING CLASS FIELDTRIP??? Don't you guys check to make sure that the Mountaineers don't have two groups in one area on the same weekend?? I would guess that the Seattle Mountaineers are going to have about 50 students there this weekend. hgb
Thanks! Found. Holly
Hi all- I really need to contact Pauline. I haven't talked or climbed with her since probably about 1999 or so, but I think she may still be around and I need to talk to her about something very important. If Pauline, (or anyone who knows how I could try to find her) is reading this, please send me a pm or you can email me at hollyclimber@aol.com Thanks! Holly Beck
Hi guys- Hope to see you there tomorrow night! Lots of film footage from El Cap to show and its only mostly edited for "general audiences". Beer for sale in the bookshop until right before it starts at 7 pm. Holly
Hi there- I am looking for a two day adventure for Sun/Mon. Would be into cragging at Squamish or maybe some alpine rock adventure, maybe something on Dragontail in a long push to avoid the camping permit thing or something else long on rock. PM or email at hollyclimber@aol.com hgb
If you aren't already set for the Squish trip, I'd be interested. Sat night take-off, climb Sun/Mon. hollyclimber@aol.com
I will be driving to Yosemite this Sunday on the 17th. Could use some company and help with gas money. I'll have wall gear, so there might be limited room for additional gear in my Golf. If interested, please EMAIL me at rodeoswissy@aol.com. I am unlikely to check pms before I leave. I'll be returning sometime on Sunday the 24th early enough to get sleep before work on Monday. Holly
Its pretty telling that whenever someone posts a rant about REI, most responders agree. This rant just has to be a troll, and you can tell because NO ONE AGREES! FF rocks. Everyone I have ever had help me there rocks. Spent 2 hours there the other day with my huge dog who was being a pain part of the time and they were cool to me. Got a special order taken care of that was not easy and COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED ANYWHERE ELSE! Even Yosemite Mountain Shop told me the only place I could get the items I wanted was "from some Euro dude that will bring it over for you". Holly
So, how many people with a user number of 500 or below still live here? Someone posted some bull about me "hating" cc.com and I even had Matt P call me about something important and be "shocked" that I wanted to talk to him. Of course that was totally untrue, but it is true that this site is just way too huge for me to take in at this point. I still love ALL of you now, INCLUDING FOR SURE: trask, RURP, Dwayner and anyone else who has been banned or has been totally mean and rude on this site in the past. After, all that it was this site used to be about when we weren't talking about climbing or drinking beer at the first ever pub club (I admit it took me until #3 to show up). How many people belong now? I saw some member number in the 300K range! Crazy. Anyway, miss all of you and if any of you that are still there from the "old days" want to go climbing this weekend, I am putting something alpine together. Love to all...reports of hatred are misleading Holly
How about 37.5 nicely stretched. That's your size too, isn't it! Too bad, not for sale!! Check your pms Holly
Ray- Check your pms. Holly
In my opinion, this is the best way to find a home for a purebred dog. http://www.spdrdogs.org/ Each breed has a HUGE waiting list of people wanting to adopt these dogs. As a breeder of AKC dogs myself, I know the number of people hoping to provide a home for a purebred that needs one. Holly
Fee Demo - Oct 18 - Ten Days to TAKE ACTION
hollyclimber replied to hollyclimber's topic in Climber's Board
It is frustrating that there are no reps from Washington. But, as a committee issue at this point, I would hope that all the Senators and Representatives on the list will consider all Americans their "constituents". I recently wrote a letter to Feinstein of CA (we are past the letter writing period, please CALL!) and she did reply to me. I didn't get one of those "you don't live in CA responses". However, Feinstein is pro fee demo so I don't know if it helped! Anyway, I have free long distance on my cell phone, and it is pretty easy to call the staffers at these numbers and tell them you oppose fee demo. They will give you time to state a reason. While the reasons are individual to each of us and complex, an easy reason to state briefly is that you would like our national land to receive a BUDGET ALLOCATION rather than have to collect on a PER USE basis. Or, state your own reasons. But try to state a reason when you voice your opinion. Here's seeing what we can do...you never know! Holly -
WESTERN SLOPE NO-FEE COALITION P. O. Box 403 Norwood, CO 81423 October 18, 2003 Alert!! Fee Demo Extension is Pending. Contact House and Senate Interior Appropriations Conference Committee Members. The House/Senate Interior Conference Committee will be deciding whether to, once again, extend the controversial Fee Demo program in the next week to 10 days. The House Interior Appropriations bill extends Fee Demo for the Forest Service, BLM, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for an additional two years. The Senate version does not include any extension. These two versions must be merged into one at a conference committee of Senators and Congressmen before becoming law. These House and Senate Conference Committee members are meeting right now, and it is imperative that they hear from the public and the users of our public lands. There is much at stake in Washington concerning Fee Demo at this time. ANY extension of the program at this time will be extremely detrimental to our efforts to end this misconceived program. Fortunately, many of the Senate Conferees are sympathetic to our position or are strong no-fee advocates. Unfortunately, most of the House Conferees are adamant about having at least another one-year Fee Demo extension. Please contact ALL of the Senators and Congressmen listed below sometime before Friday if you can. Contact them more than once by phone AND fax. If you have already contacted them please do so again. And again. *indicates “must call” Senate Interior Appropriations Conference Committee members: *Stevens (R-AK) 202-224-7200 202-228-0248 Fax *Burns (R-MT) 202-224-2644 202-228-4532 Fax *Byrd (D-WV) 202-224-7200 202-228-0002 Fax *Dorgan (D-ND) 202-224-2551 202-224-1193 Fax pro-fee *Domenici (R-NM) 202-224-6621 202-228-0900 Fax *Feinstein (D-CA) 202-224-3841 202-228-3954 Fax pro-fee *Leahy (D-VT) 202-224-4242 202-224-3479 Fax pro-fee *Reid (D-NV) 202-224-3542 202-224-7327 Fax Bennett (R-UT) 202-224-5444 202-228-1168 Fax Brownback (R-KS) 202-224-6521 202-228-1265 Fax Campbell (R-CO) 202-224-5852 202-228-4609 Fax Cochran (R-MS) 202-224-5054 202-224-9450 Fax Gregg (R-NH) 202-224-3324 202-224-4952 Fax Hollings (D-SC) 202-224-6121 202-224-4293 Fax Mikulski (D-MD) 202-224-4654 202-228-8858 Fax Note: Sen. Leahy has switched from opposing fees to supporting Fee Demo. Let him know what you think.
Its not like that... some street punks stole this rack. They were selling just the rack, with the cams, nuts, etc spread out all over the sidewalk on Broadway in the Capital Hill neighborhood. If there was other stuff, it was sold a different day because I came upon the scene just as it was starting up. While the seller was doing something in his car, I talked to his friends, who basically admitted to me that it was all stolen (which wasn't necessarily since it was clear). I bought it immediately for the asking price and didn't ask any questions (actually I did, but I got conflicting lies in response and gave up). Sorry can't help you with your stuff. Holly
Climbers- I came across a clearly stolen rack today on Broadway in the Capital Hill Neighborhood of Seattle. I was able to purchase this full free climbing rack from the theives. I would like to find the rightful owner. If you have recently (or who knows really how recently) had a rack stolen, please contact me with a description. The owner will be able to successfully describe their own rack, I am sure of that. Holly Beck rodeoswissy@aol.com
Climbers- I came across a clearly stolen rack today on Broadway in the Capital Hill Neighborhood of Seattle. I was able to purchase this full free climbing rack from the theives. I would like to find the rightful owner. If you have recently (or who knows really how recently) had a rack stolen, please contact me with a description. The owner will be able to successfully describe their own rack, I am sure of that. Holly Beck rodeoswissy@aol.com
I belong to the Western Slopes No-Fee Coalition, the only group I know of dedicated to fighting fee demo. I received this email today. We can bitch about fee demo all we want on this board, but times for a vote in Congress come up rarely, so please, even if you never call or write, etc, DO IT NOW! (I am not 100% sure if this came to a vote last Wednesday, and so it is worth calling in case it is still on the table). Here is the text of the email info I received today ------------- OUR PREZ, ROB FUNKHOUSER IS IN DC WORKING HARD ON THIS! PLEASE SUPPORT HIS EFFORTS IN OUR BEHALF!! MAKE ONE CALL TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN SUPPORT OF THE DEFAZIO/BRADLEY AMENDMENT! ( details below) At 3:PM (EST) today, July 16, the House of Representatives will begin debate on the Fiscal Year 2004 Interior Appropriations Bill . Contained within that legislation is language that would, unless it is removed, extend the Recreation Fee-Demonstration Program for yet another two years. That is not only ridiculous, it is unacceptable. In 1996, Congress authorized Fee-Demo as be a THREE year test. The time has come for this unpopular and ineffective program to be recognized, once and for all, as a failure and for fee-demo to end. Fortunately, a bipartisan effort has come together within the House of Representatives for the purpose of removing the offending language from the Appropriations Bill and to allow Fee-Demo to peacefully terminate next year. Within the next 24 hours, Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Jeb Bradley (R-NH) will introduce an amendment to remove the Fee-Demo extension language. Your help is urgently needed to help pass that amendment. HERE'S WHAT TO DO: Please call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and asked to be connected with the office of your Representative. When connected, ask to speak with the Public Lands Staffer. If that person is unavailable, then speak directly to the receptionist. Tell him or her that you strenuously oppose the Recreation Fee Demonstration Program and that you encourage your Representative to vote in SUPPORT of the DeFazio / Bradley amendment that will strike the two-year extension of Fee-Demo from the Interior Appropriations Bill. This call is IMPORTANT. Thanks you for your help. Scott ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scott Silver Wild Wilderness 248 NW Wilmington Ave. Bend, OR 97701 phone: 541-385-5261 e-mail: ssilver@wildwilderness.org Internet: http://www.wildwilderness.org ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I think Matt and I agree on the Backbone's qualities. I did the Backbone last year and I thought it was ok, but not at all that great. I thought the N Ridge of Stewart was many times better. I am not always a fan of ridge climbs though, so it has to be a great one for me to really like it. The OW on Backbone was not hard, but it doesn't really protect easily. I can't really imagine doing Serpentine if you are capable of doing Backbone. I am sure Serpentine is nice for just getting a lot of pitches in (would not think it is 20! though) but even Backbone had a lot of 5.0 and a lot of walking and Serpentine is a couple of notches easier, from what I understand. hgb