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Everything posted by hollyclimber

  1. I am thinking of heading to Smith this weekend. I could use a partner, and I am also willing to give a ride to anyone who wants to share some gas money. I'll plan on making sure I still know how to climb at Smith by checking out some of my favorite climbs in the 5.10-5.11 range, and possibly hop on some 5.12. I won't be doing anything in the gullies and probably won't head to the backside because I'll have my dog with me. Email me at hollyclimber@hotmail.com if you are interested.
  2. Cavey: Here is the link http://yp.yahoo.com/py/ypMap.py?Pyt=Typ&tab=B2C&tuid=10485169&city=Seattle&state=WA&zip=98115&country=us&slt=47.684601&sln=-122.299103&cs=5&ck=2988511977&stat= os:0:regular:regT:1 3:fbT:0 Michelle! Thanks for getting this going. I am so excited to see all the pub clubbers tonight. I just got back from Yosemite Valley yesterday and I have battle wounds to show off! I'll go to one-hour photo today so that I'll have pictures too. Holly
  3. Well, I did say choss, but only after Cavey said it. I guess what I meant was it was no Buoux. And, I mostly climbed under 5.12 routes, but not exclusively. And I did have fun there, but a few routes were just wierd.
  4. Well, I climbed some choss (at Horne Lake-not squish), but I didn't like it too much. I remember a couple of fun routes, but mostly not very asthetic. Squish was ok. We climbed the first 2 pitches of U Wall. Can't wait to go back to do the real thing. Cavey, just because I haven't been to Index with you, doesn't mean that I haven't been there or that I am missing out You know I mean that in a really nice way, right?! I'll be there this Friday. Not sure if I'll be aiding or free climbing... [This message has been edited by hollyclimber (edited 09-12-2001).]
  5. I recently read somewhere (I think on Gripped) that Horne Lake is not closed, and that there has been recent new route and hard ascent activity. Here, I found the article with a quick google search of "horne lake" "not closed". Looks like it is kind of old, so it probably doesn't help at all. http://www.gripped.com/news/NewsItem.asp?ID=48 That's the trashiest limestone I have ever climbed on, and I think one trip was enough for me! But I liked their gym in Nanaimo...very good ju ju. [This message has been edited by hollyclimber (edited 09-12-2001).]
  6. $1,000 vs. $20,000. Who gave more? Maybe consider percentage of pre-tax profits...I bet that OR and Marmot's contributions may be similar or even exceed REI's if you think of it that way. What made me think of this is that $20,000 IS chump change to REI. Not that it isn't good for the access fund. I think REI is a horrible place to buy climbing gear. For one thing, they are always out of something basic, like webbing or cord. Pretty much every time I go there, they send me to Feathered Friends. The only times I go there now is if I really know exactly what name brand item I want, in which case I will accept their 10% back, or when I need to spend a gift certificate or my dividend. They still have a few climbers working there, but it seems like whenever I go there its a non-climber. I had to get behind the counter and point to the piece of gear I wanted the last time I was there because the person didn't know what it was. Its sad, because REI used to be for climbers, but it just isn't any more. Its all about their new dept they are introducing, "family camping". Somehow they think thats new, seems like to me its been their deal for awhile. My favorite climbing store is Valhalla Pure. Murray rocks!
  7. Dan- What a great thread! I don't have a ton to add, as I am not a parent. However, I have had people ask me if I will continue to climb if I have kids. I always say that I will. On the other hand, I take any responsibility I have seriously, and often my responsibilities take away from my climbing time. I would speculate that if I had kids, my climbing would suffer a bit, as I would want to make sure that I was meeting my obligations as a parent first, and then pursuing my personal interests second. I guess I tested that by getting a dog this year. My climbing days have decreased, but I am still able to enjoy a lot of quality climbing, and I am still improving my own skill set. So, it slowed me down, but didn't stop me. I don't buy into the argument that some people make that it is irresponsible to climb if you have kids since there is a risk of death. Risks of death abound in this life, and we can't go around living in fear. People die experiencing many past-times, or randomly in auto accidents or other tragic circumstances. I will never feel guilty about climbing because of the risk of death. [This message has been edited by hollyclimber (edited 09-10-2001).]
  8. I have an Arteryx harness...I forget which one, but it is not one made specially for females. I haven't liked the "female" harnesses I have tried because it seems like they make the leg loops skinnier. When I tried them on and hung in them, I could feel the skinny little leg loops digging into my legs and it hurt (I remember the BD womens harness I tried on hurt the most). I think female oriented shoes can be really good, but I think the harness thing is kind of bogus. My recommendation would be to make sure you hang in the harness in the store before you buy it. Most places are set up to do this.
  9. Darren, your email is not in your profile. send me an email at hollyclimber@hotmail.com
  10. Beck! You are the man...I can handle the 2 block walk from my office to that pub! I hope everyone else can handle the adventure into the city... Parking is free on the street starting at 6 pm...so for those of you coming in from outside the downtown area, thats a good time to snag a parking spot. I can offer rides home to people in the W Seattle or Beacon Hill area. I'll have seatbelts for 3 passengers, and a dog crate for Beck! (just kidding)
  11. When you feel the nighttime urge to pee, do it. Warming up your full bladder takes away energy from the rest of your body.
  12. Looking to climb University Wall or Uncle Ben's the weekend of Sept 8-9. I would prefer to climb with someone that I have at least already met and maybe even climbed with...I know there are some of you out there. I am looking for a partner with about the same free climbing level and aid experience as me or more. I also plan on having a good time on this climb, so positive attitudes and commitment to a safe and successful climb are important! For a potential partner I haven't met, it would be good to meet and talk about the climbs at this Tuesday's (Aug 28)pub club, if we have it (I don't know if this Sundays L-worth pub club will cancel out the normal Tuesday thing). If interested, email me at hollyclimber@hotmail.com
  13. I hope pen leaves... Dru-check your inbox.
  14. who is this chick, and what is the point?
  15. Hi Beck... Maybe I will come to pub club tonight... But, if I don't, I wanted to say we should keep in mind that the last time that there were fires in L-worth, a lot of stuff was closed until the next June or July. I know you are already thinking about alternate locations and I think that is pretty wise. see ya
  16. cut in half and use/sell for gym climbing rope
  17. Hi ted! Have fun on Snowfield!
  18. My honest thought is that most of the spray (no matter what forum it shows up in) is entertaining and fun. However, I think that when people are rude or just a little too rough on people asking serious questions, it reduces the helpfulness of the board. That said, I don't think there is really anyway to change it. Some people can't/won't sensor themselves for the serious questions or the softie newcomers. I think that means that if you want beta, you have to be tough. Otherwise, ask somewhere else... I like the group the way it is...very entertaining.
  19. Answers to some of the above questions: 1) My dog is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. The Bernese are in the same family sort of, but they have long fur. 2) Yes, my dog has four eyes, when he is wearing his doggles. We have been trying them out. Its fun. 3) Would I risk my life for my dog in the mountains. Yes. But, would I jump into a boiling hot pool in Yellowstone like some ya-hoo did last week or so? No. Basically, we all risk our lives in the mountains. I am sure there is a limit to the risk I would take, but I would definitely take significant risks to save him if he was in danger or something. If I am not willing to do that, then I shouldn't bring him with me. 4) I have a picture of a human wearing the doggles. I love it. The large dog pair should fit your dog-faced friend. www.doggles.com [This message has been edited by hollyclimber (edited 08-08-2001).]
  20. That's funny, I have some of that medicene at home...on the DOG SHELF. Guess it works on canines too.
  21. Thanks to Beck! for organizing another fun drinking event. I met some new people and had a great time. Can't wait till next week!
  22. Wow: you have really been saving this up for awhile...what's the deal? why so much anger about some girls and their sport climbing silliness? the women in question probably don't even climb anymore.
  23. Check out the other link. People's Pub is closed, I called to confirm. Good thing the Captain was paying attention. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000714.html
  24. Also, just for everyone out there consider doggles, (ok it not very many of you, I know), one thing that is cool about them is that they block flying objects too. So, even if snow blindness isn't an issue, thing about that blowing snow or even hail and how bad it feels if you take your glasses/goggles off for a bit when you are skiing or climbing. I didn't really think about this until I was looking into doggles for the issue of snow-blindness, but now I am thinking that since my dog is mostly trained to wear them (we are still working on wearing them longer and longer) if there is ever a issue of blowing sand, snow, whatever, we have a solution. And, he looked super cool in them walking around Vancouver on Sat.
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