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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. freeclimb9

    Another shrubby

    Each bottle of drinking water on space shuttle flights costs $500,000. That's not a misprint. Feed the hungry little buggers. Kids learn more when they eat regularly.
  2. It was 3 outside this morning. Hoar feathers were flagged off the icicles hanging from the eaves. What a change from last week. View from the kitchen this morning (the lower part of the Wellsville mountains is darkened by fog. It's all snow covered):
  3. You fucks who advocate more inspections haven't read 1441. Violations of reporting as outlined in paragraph 4 leads to paragraphs 11 and 12 which lead to paragraph 13 (which deals with the serious consequences. Tripling the number of inspectors --as the French representative suggested-- doesn't seem to fucking serious). Resolution 1441 was written under the authority of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, so Article 42 can be invoked. Powell didn't have to make a case for war. That was made during the framing of resolution 1441. He just made the case proving Iraqi violations of paragraph 4.
  4. Good luck, dude. Looks like getting familiar with your gas mask is a good idea.
  5. Read this, then tell me you feel the same way. If "Counter Any U.S. Military Buildup" doesn't equate to arms race, what do you think North Korea is referring to?
  6. BTW, stupid commie "North Korea Vows to Counter Any U.S. Military Buildup". This means arms race. As if the DPRK could even get out of the starting blocks let alone win.
  7. ANOTHER NEWS FLASH: Germany is broke. They can't provide shit for any war. Not even moral support. But then, what morals do those people have any longer?
  8. freeclimb9


    If she's smoking, slow down. BTW, urethane condoms squeak. Squirt and laugh at the same time.
  9. China, Germany, and France are being fucking pussies. Fuck them. Outside of Claudia Schiffer and Heidi Klum, what good has come out of those places in recent memory? Powell's presentation was a waste of fucking time. And likely compromised some intel shiznit. He rattled the cage, and the dumbfuck Ambassadors didn't stir. Time to press Go, Mr. President. Get that shit cleaned up before the desert gets hot. As for this crap: Stupid pussy statement. I know it comes from deep inside where you're soft and tender like a little girl, but I don't want to read that shit.
  10. Losing weight is simple: Eat less, do more. Fuck cardio to "loose fat". More muscle=higher metabolism. If you want to be strong, get stronger by lifting. If you want to run a long ways, then go the cardio route. And if you want to be a better climber, do all of it.
  11. Mary Clancy goes up to Father O'Grady after his Sunday morning service, and she's in tears. He says, "So what's bothering you, Mary my dear?" She says, "Oh, Father, I've got terrible news. My husband passed away last night." The priest says, "Oh, Mary, that's terrible. Tell me, did he have any last requests?" She says, "That he did, Father..." The priest says, "What did he ask, Mary?" She says, "He said, 'Please Mary, put down that damn gun.
  12. freeclimb9

    Another shrubby

    It's called "compassionate conservatism". That's why social service funding in Bush's budget proposal is being decreased by over 75%.
  13. I got one of those too. It's got everything. A barometer, an altimeter, a thermometer, a chronometer, a calendar, and this thing that tells time. The altimeter goes in increments of 20 ft, and it's not super accurate. But it has got me to pass elevations during long traverses pretty well. What else do you need?
  14. Neoprene gloves intended for flyfishing and other similarly silly sports are available at Walmart for cheap (I saw camo-colored pairs there for $4.95). But they're cheap. The gloves with seams that I have I seal especially well around the little finger. It's that area that often rests against the ice and snow surface, gets wet, then cold, then solid, then colder. The sealant stuff never seems to last that long, though.
  15. easy one here: Redoubt=Climberextreme Come on. Give her a kiss:
  16. For the lower 48, either Vinylove, or Seal Skinz.
  17. freeclimb9

    Sierra logging

    Both of those religions seem to spawn spontaneous regimentation, and that weirds me. But my own planet stocked with a whole gang of strange sounds like heaven to me.
  18. I've been stroking my tools with the Vinylove for a few years now. One pair lasts me about a season. My hands stay pretty warm, but I've got warmer hands than most people I've climbed with. Just don't expect them to withstand a fast rappel. You need to use forced air to dry them, or they'll get funky (I use a couple cardboard tubes duct-taped into a shoebox placed over the heating register). And they wouldn't be my first choice for a multi-day trip, though my climbing partner used them on Liberty Ridge, and didn't complain. With regard to the Seal Skinz, when coupled with an overmitt, they'd do extremely well in even severe cold. The Chill Blocker style --which, again, will come out in March-- is roughly twice as thick as the regular style.
  19. freeclimb9

    Sierra logging

    Fuck it. Cut all the damn trees down. I'm converting to Mormonism so I can get my own planet. Screw Earth. Leave it to all you losers who'll be left behind after the Rapture. Now all I need are some bitches --er, women-- to help me populate it.
  20. Wouldn't you rather have a pair of the Vinylove? You can customize the design with a Sharpie pen.
  21. Do it yourself with a Speedy Stitcher. If you de-tune the needle, it will push aside the fabric picks rather than cut them.
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