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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Dude left on Feb 1st. He's packing a ton of stuff. That's a BOB trailer he's pulling, BTW.
  2. Must've been a temporary problem at serratus.com (or serratus.ca) because it's accessible today. Now why can't I find pogies on their site? BTW, Crad is in rare form this month.
  3. That's longer than most. Buck Owens would say it's "just dumb". I saw Buck performing at the Crystal Palace in December, and that was the comment he made for all the couples there celebrating their Anniversaries. I reckon Buck may be a little bitter about his last divorce that's costing him $62.5 million.
  4. That kind of talk practically guarantees a late April snow dump.
  5. I'm a little uncomfortable with public displays of affection. Is this public?
  6. No. Not a brick-and-mortar place, anyways. They're too new, I think, for some retailers to gamble on. You can order direct from Danalco http://www.danalco.com/ I don't think they charge for shipping, either. Or I can put together a purchase, but the minimum order is twelve pair total (the sum of socks and/or gloves of any sizes must be 12). Toward the end of March, they're supposed to start distributing "ChillBlocker" models that feature a thicker liner to make them even warmer. The current Seal Skinz are lined with Coolmax.
  7. At this year's conference, Vice President Dick Cheney told the crowd that "CPAC has consistently championed those ideas that make America great." Some "ideas" on display included advocating religious war ("No Muslims = No Terrorists"), equating of Tom Daschle and Hillary Clinton with Osama bin Laden and Saddan Hussein, and villifying Harry Potter (video title for sale: "Harry Potter, Witchcraft Repackaged: Making Evil Look Innocent"). It'd only be an absurd display if the people with the reins in our country weren't there. But they were. Does anybody else find the antics that go on at CPAC to be downright scary? Does anybody else find the Bush budget proposal to be irresponsible (okay, how about crazy Reaganomics)?
  8. Outside of the non-angled hip-belt, "I concur". You'd be hard pressed to find a better pack without getting one custom made.
  9. Regarding the area in which most of the debris from the space shuttle fell (from the Washingtonpost): 'Five years ago this month, a rare meteorological event called a "straight wind" blew monstrously across the Sabine and Angelina national forests and toppled 4 million pine trees in an instant. The weird part was no one heard or saw 4 million trees fall over. A few trailer homes were squashed, but the only person killed had in fact suffered a heart attack. A postman traveling a dirt road near Shelbyville recalled turning around and just seeing the trees lie over in the wind. It took several hundred Forest Service employees six months to assess the damage and sell off millions of dollars in lost timber. Just another Piney Woods story that was filed under "X." ' Coincidence? I think not.
  10. Ask yourself "who are the best equipped professionals in our country right now?" Without question, that'd be Special Ops. And then ask "what glove do they buy?" That'd be Seal Skinz. That's why they're available only in olive and black. I've only been amazed by a few new pieces of gear in the last decade, and the Seal Skinz are one of them.
  11. Seams in waterproof gloves don't fly. You've wasted your money. Go with the Vinylove, or the more comfortable Seal Skinz.
  12. First there was some kinda freaky stuff in the bags of blood at the Atlanta Red Cross ("It doesn't appear to be human in origin," said Dr. Christopher D. Hillyer, an Emory University professor who works with the Red Cross", of the substance found.) Then, some kind of invisible space ray takes out our spaceship over Texas. It's clear that they're moving west. Maybe the Mayor of Oakland has finally called home.
  13. You live in the PNW. What did you expect? Seriously, though, the stains won't come out, but can be lightened with sunlight. So put some UV damage to the nylon on top of those pesky stains.
  14. The response you got from the mags isn't surprising. They're totally Colorado-centric. So unless it plays in the chai shops of Pearl Street, say it to the hand. Or send it to a local.
  15. dude, unless a movie with Nicole Kidman has multiple scenes with her naked, you know it's going to suck. Pretty much for any movie, unless there's naked chicks, or lots of violence, it's gonna suck. You "missus" better make like the movie, eh?
  16. Are Canadians always prone to exclusivity? Do I gotta join some club to see bivuoac.com? Why does serratus.com require a password? Are some people just not clear on how capitalism works (you gotta reach your customers)?
  17. I'm not kidding about the Seal Skinz gloves and socks from Danalco. Really practical, and a brilliant idea. Brunton's bitchin lighter is called the Helios, and one of their butane lamps is the Lampray (it srews onto the same fuel cannister as many pack stoves). They've also got a AA battery solar recharger that retails for $20. Pretty fair price, IMO.
  18. No word of climber The dude musta got the chop Shed a tear for him (um, amend that last line to read "drink a beer for him")
  19. freeclimb9


    "We think" barbequed or stewed is delicious on the trail, or at home. Jerky is too tough, though.
  20. Depends on snowpack, doesn't it. With current snowpack depth, late May and early June will probably offer easy and dry access to most rock climbs. Snow and ice climbs will be sloughing crap, but could be good. And then the snow could fall heavily in April and screw all your well laid plans.
  21. For one thing, A1C Michael Bragg didn't figure in the cost of training his ungrateful ass. I assume that his experience was nil before he joined. Presumably, the guy knew what was up when he signed his contract. His whining grates. Why did you post this letter, glacierdog?
  22. send it BTW, what ice tools and crampons are the best in your opinion.
  23. it's a good policy: don't kiss and tell.
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