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Everything posted by Mer

  1. sausages and hamburgers -- these meat metaphores are very apt. The only ice fest I attended, I felt oddly like a slab of meat in a room full of dogs. But the door prizes were so good, I'd show up again
  2. Are they the blue slopers? I guess I don't exactly "know my limpits"
  3. But their webs are sticky, providing extra adhesion on marginal holds.
  4. and rogues gallery, if that's your thing
  5. I think this is the best advice I've ever seen on this board. I'm taking it to heart
  6. Meanwhile, back at the subject... I was a popular sport crag this weekend, and a few of the well-used holds holds were mighty greasy. I noticed it more when they were operating as footholds. I don't have a ready measure of the greasiness, but being Canadian I would describe it as "feeling like several grams of back bacon grease had been applied to a toonie-sized hold". I've never seen anyone brush holds on the way down, but if I return I'd consider carrying a tiny scrub brush. Seems like a good idea, and with only a rack of draws, I had two completely empty gear loops to carry stuff!
  7. Last time I climbed this line I collected several pieces of booty. You could just take a few slings and supliment with pieces abandoned by gumby parties ahead of you. *Disclaimer* The author of this reply intends no offence to existing or former gumbies, bumblies, or newbies. The author has left many fine pieces of booty for others to collect and regulary returns to full and unreserved gumbihood. Undertaking this pitch in no way categorizes you or any members of your party as a gumby, nor does retreating, leaving stuck gear, or dropping gear off this or any other route.
  8. Hogwash my pedantic friend! does not the OED describe an unkindness as obsolete-- whereas a parliament may be commonly applied to many types of birds?
  9. I was thinking a thrutch of climbers or a gobbie would be apt.
  10. What is the correct noun of assemblage for a group of climbers? A pod of whales, a parliament of ravens, and a ___ of climbers?
  11. Mer


    spray not muffle sound
  12. Mer


    glazed hot waffle mound
  13. I have a tent manual on my desk that says: "If possible fold and roll the tent rather than stuffing it into its sack. Rolling makes a smaller package, and causes fewer creases in the polyurethane coating. The tent and poles may be carried separately for easier packing or load sharing." If it's in the manual it must be true
  14. --thanks for the list Don, also the recipe tips.
  15. What, you rob me of the glory of a 5.8+ ascent? It was me, me, me, on that astounding new 4-pitch line. Besides, I think I’d rather be associated with your internet silliness than the triple X imaginings of posters on this board. I didn’t get home until one, but I did get to see the moonrise, looking all big and yellow through the smoke and smog.
  16. I've flown with a rack as carry-on luggage. It's not usually a problem. You'll generally have to pull it out and show them what it all is and what it does. As metal things with wires seem to cause some concern. The only thing that's ever been an issue is a nut tool. I'm not sure how I could hijack a plane with a nut tool, but its shape and pointy hooks look very menacing when it passes through the x-ray.
  17. Starts on GMB and finishes on lumberland? quel melange! Did you give the others a scrub while you were there?
  18. The various ages of men: Men are 7.
  19. There are many, many routes at Verdon and it's Europe so finding sport routes won't really be an issue. You start at the top and rap in, so if you only want 1 or 2 pitches you could stop part way down. But the gorge is immense.Most of the climbing is on the top 1/3 of the cliff and these lines are several pitches. Don't go if you are troubled by exposure! Sacrement, c'est super!
  20. Les Calanques are amazing, but I believe there are some restrictions to summer climbing there. But you could go to Gorges du Verdon--ooh la la! Italy--Dolomites!
  21. Are you talking men here or mankind? Would a women's list of forces be different? If we don't get enough cuddling we'll be overwhelmed with the need to buy shoes perhaps?
  22. WTF: Single brown meadow vole (3.6in, 2.1oz) seeks same. Prefer short tail, hidden ears and small round eyes. Must have own burrow and above average vasopressin receptor levels. No rats or weasels please.
  23. But chicks dig guys with a big zoom lens in his pocket. sorry, so obvious I couldn't resist. ahem, I'll just get back to work now.
  24. Dru and I registered on this board only 9 days apart. Yet he has almost 20 thousand posts and I have just over 100. Thus, Dru is almost 200 times freakier than me.
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