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Everything posted by Dru

  1. I own a toothbrush, crash pad, power drill, full rack, 200 pitons and have 8 pairs of rockshoes, of which 4 are slippers. I worked in a gym for a year. Am I trad or sport? Somebody tell me quick so I know who to hate
  2. Dru


    I had some 12% alc by vol apple spider once, man what a bite that had!!!
  3. Speaking of Mt Baring I heard thru the grapevine that rockfall has basically eliminated the 1st few pitches of the big Burdo sport route and it is presently unclimbable but that BB is planning to add new pitches not in the line of fire. This info 2nd hand so take it with a grain or two of salt.
  4. Somebody take a digital camera along and shoot video of Dwayner and pope getting hugged by Peter Puget
  5. Dru

    Daisy is a tramp

    quote: Originally posted by trask: quote:Originally posted by Dru: Are you calling me your uncle? The only time I've heard you referred to as 'uncle' is by the neighborhood girls who lovingly refer to you as Uncle Pervie. I got news for ya trask... they aren't girls they just dress that way
  6. Dru

    Daisy is a tramp

    quote: Originally posted by trask: I thought she was your sister, Dru. Are you calling me your uncle?
  7. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Overheard in the Kreuger household: sk: "Honey, I want a watch for Christmas." jk: "What the hell for, there's a clock on the stove!" Was that "I want a watch", or "I wanna watch..." and what did she wanna watch?
  8. Dru

    Daisy is a tramp

    Isnt daisy your mom?
  9. In the Beckey guide there are a few old routes listed on the Lake Ann Buttress above Lake Ann (duh) that you pass on the way to Fisher Chimneys. They look like they might give some good climbing, probably sandbagged, anybody ever climbed them?
  10. if you gut a snafflehound the skin should just fit over your foot. One on each foot and talk about fuzzy slippers!!!
  11. Anybody ever seen the phrase "I am Neat And Cool" spraypainted on a certain rock at Squamish
  12. Dru

    Yo Momma's so...

    Yo mamma is so fat when she goes to the beach, Greenpeace shows up and tries to push her back in the water!
  13. Dennis, please give the mountain a real good chance by amputating both testicles, one hand, and having your left cerebral hemisphere removed before the next time you go climbing. oK?
  14. Parker you ask about Degrees from Cascadeclimbers.com: "BS" in Sprayin Master of Sandbagging PhD of Obscure Ascents Currently working a post doctorate in Ethical Philosophy.
  15. Rapid Peak, I thought it was Pocket Peak? Or is Pocket the next one over?
  16. When I went down to Dragontail a few weeks back Viktor gave us an alpine pipe and a big chunk to take into Colchuck with us. Ray's female bought me breakfasst. Does that mean I got friends on both sides or what
  17. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: quote:Originally posted by Bug: I got a crowbar for father's day. I'm going to Leavenworth this weekend. Anyone have a hit list? Plenty of rap anchors that need replacing. Ask Dru if he will go out and use his new-used drill to help out. I use my drill to violently assault sportclimbers. Live by the sword die by the sword motherfucker!
  18. After various partners jammed and others missed the boat I ended up driving up to Gold Bridge alone. Snowline way high in the south Chilcotins, like 7000'. Bugs horrible at about 5000' so slept in the car. Got up Sunday AM, bugwhacked through clouds of mosquitoes and blackflies almost too thick to see through, to NE ridge of Sloan. dropped down to cirque on N side and climbed a variant to the Fairley 1983 route avoiding all the steep stuff at the top that Bruce did in favour of easier snow and rock on the right side, basically the NW ridge and face to its immediate left. Summitted, descended. Left crampons sitting on a moraine below the south face and had to hike back up 2 hrs to get them what it took me 10 minutes to glissade down. Hiked out (more crazy bugs and Ault Creek flooding), back at car after about 13.5 hr day. Drove to Gold Bridge. Bar and restaurant closed. Drove to Lillooet. Everything closed by the time I got there. Slept in car by the Fraser River halfway down to Lytton, and went to Canyon Alpine Monday Am for the Truckers Special. First time in a long time I could eat the whole thing and still be hungry! Saw no one in the mountains the whole weekend However, saw about 25 deer, 1 moose, 1 honey-colored black bear, and 1 humongous pile of cougar(?) shit containing nothing but deer hair and bone fragments. Beer sure tasted good when I got home.
  19. quote: Originally posted by mtngrrrl: Just curious, but do most of you glissade on your butts? I've only done it on my feet, kinda like skating down the snow field. Ony when I ve run out of toilet paper, or, more seriously, when the snow is soft enough that you posthole when standing, but supportive enough that you get a good slide going when you sit down. Thats the ideal conditions for the bum slide. Dont forget a frisbee or garbage bag to sit on to save your pants.
  20. http://www.stn2.com/articles/view.php3?language=english&type=article&article_id=218391767 But if it attracts cougars you are screwed!
  21. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by Bronco: sound like a real cluster f@ck to me. but it has potential..... Have you ever been to the J Tree New Years Party on top of Intersection Rock? no, never been to J tree, is it a good time?Drunken climbers solo 5.3 route to reach a Keg Party on top of a giant rock near the campground... always mayhemous fun to duisapproval orf rangers and tourists...
  22. Slugs = poprocks
  23. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: sound like a real cluster f@ck to me. but it has potential..... Have you ever been to the J Tree New Years Party on top of Intersection Rock?
  24. quote: Originally posted by sk: quote:Originally posted by Dru: Shouldnt you guys be teaching your kids more useful skills like how to get Daddy a beer from the fridge without Mommy noticing? Why is it mommy would care that daady is having a beer, when mom has the bottle of vodka? It might be the last one...
  25. Snafflehoundjaeger and peregrine wingz... justlike in the "olden days" when climbers used to bag goats and marmots for dinner... now all them critters are gone so we must eat the plentiful 'hound. Whiskey jacks can be trained to land in your hand too. They are feathery but 24 or so would make a good pie. Who am I kidding. I take along extra nuts just to feed to the alpine moochers.
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