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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    I'm back!

    1) Skiing used to be in Route Reports 2) All my posts are high quality 3) Don't compare me to tomcat! Second rate war troller. Now replaced by the vowel challenged Mtnclmbr
  2. snaffleburger with page topping?
  3. do they make a
  4. get a big freezer take out all the food get in and bivi! make sure you can open it from the inside first.
  5. Dru

    I'm back!

    Flashpoint in Abbotsford is pretty close too but i dunno if you want to cross the border just for plastic pulling.
  6. halvah is just tahini and honey. its alright but mmmmm, rice pudding is much better. thankfully the store is closed or id be shelling out another $4.20 (is that price a coincidence, huh? I think not!) right now.
  7. Dru


    Whistler attracts em. Crazy Quebecois and skanky Australians.
  8. it could be thr red sea coast. either african or saudi side, both have sections that look like that.
  9. Dru


    about JD Hare or what? his buddy Hugo is a Yank isnt he? Eric Pehota lives right at the base of that thing. OTOH I think this is still looking for first descent!
  10. Dru


    yeah cause in mid-May youd be skiin dirt for the last 1000'
  11. just trust me on this, dry cold air = sinking = high pressure. warm moist air = rising = low pressure. i will have to drive to west van to get my textbook though, if you need a reference. you just have to remember warm and cold are relative. for instance, the subtropical high that keeps the deserts arid is pretty warm to us northerners, but its still cold relative to the warm, moist air over the tropical rain forests in the heighbouring low.
  12. it looks pretty arid to me.
  13. Dru


    yeah like the Pencil has never been skiied/boarded/climbed/butt slid before. look out for Quebecois guys named JD, wear a helmet
  14. oh the fulfillment of actually remembering something correctly from at. sci nerd hood!
  15. yeah but that site still has the Sphinx Crack catalog cover
  16. Are you sure about this, its the one I thought was different, but I can't remember correctly. I do remember reading a science fiction novel about a planet with exaggerated axial flattening such that each pole bulged entirely out of the atmosphere, which (for some physics lesson reason) stayed spherical. And that's opposite to what you suggest. Also, the concentration of O2 in air (hence Ppressure) does change slightly with elevation, (for the same reason we find very minimal amount of hydrogen at the surface, ie gravitational separation, but compounded by turbulence so it neverstratifies...) but its effect on physiology is minimal at human-operable elevations so it is usually discounted in altitude med. discussions.
  17. Dru

    Building a Rack

    Like a pod, ya know. Pod shaped. Podlike. A flared pod.
  18. Dru

    I'm back!

    Why is his first post ever "i'm back"? Where was he before? He should tell us which avatar he was previously. You really need a scorecard these days.
  19. well there is an off chance its quartzite or a gneiss but im guessing ss.
  20. well cold and low are relative, but colder air is denser, therefor heavier, therefore higher pressure. Of course, denser air sinks, so at some level a high pressure on the ground is equal top a low pressure aloft, but we're talking relative, right... in At Sci we used the 500MB level as the mid elevation...when you have an 8000m mountain poking up it tends to be a high "ground level' and you dont get the same amount of sink you do over an 8000m column of air with bottom at sea level, which is why when a high pressure system hits in the mountains, your barometer goes up (apparent elevation drops) even at high elevation. weather
  21. Second one seems kinda suspicious in a few places like where they claim the Death zone is 5500m, and that above that you cannot acclimatize - with no references. and again, in the first one "Variables affecting Pb Latitude - Pb decreases the further we get from the equator - so, if we increase latitude we decrease Pb ex: Mount Everest is located about 27° N latitude and at the summit has a Pb of 250mmHg. Mount McKinley however, is located at about 62° N. If the summit of Mount McKinley was the same [i think there should be a word "elevation" here] as that of Everest, McKinley's Pb would be about 220mmHg Season - Pb is typically lower during the winter that during the summer" No references Also the last sentence is bunk, cold air = higher pressure = higher Pb so why would it be "lower in the winter"
  22. no way is it granite. its fully sandstone. not Navajo/Windgate Colorado Plateau desert sandstone, more a stripy red/white/gray stuff like you see in northern BC or in places at Red Rocks. you can see the bedding in the chockstone.
  23. Dru

    I'm back!

    i notice you can't spell "saurus" properly
  24. Dru

    I'm back!

    sprayasaurus are you related to Boltmonster??
  25. Dru


    DFA what happened to the dog picture?
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