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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Let's argue.

  2. Dru

    Let's argue.

    if no one replies to this thread for a while are you going to start arguing with yourself
  3. Dru

    Let's argue.

    suuuuuuure whatever
  4. Dru

    Let's argue.

  5. your ignorance is not my problem they invented a thing called the search engine, eh? learn ta use it.
  6. speaking as a canadian i note US forces are good at killing allies with friendly fire
  7. Dru


    worth taking this opportunity to point out that France and Germany have been rounding up dozens of al-Qaeda members in recent months, and in fact have been in the forefront of that part of the war on terror.... maybe that didnt get reported in US media in rush to demonize the French??
  8. and now the word from the pope... Pope denounces war as a threat against fate of humanity Saturday, March 22, 2003 VATICAN CITY -- Pope John Paul II Saturday denounced the war against Iraq as a threat against the ''fate of humanity.'' It was his first public comment on the U.S.-led military attacks since the war began early Thursday. ''When war, as in these days in Iraq, threatens the fate of humanity, it is ever more urgent to proclaim, with a strong and decisive voice, that only peace is the road to follow to construct a more just and united society,'' John Paul said. ''Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men.'' John Paul, with impassioned speeches and Vatican diplomacy, lobbied against war and in favour of a negotiated solution in the months before the conflict. He made his remarks in an address at the Vatican to an Italian religious television channel, Telepace. A few hours after the war began, the Vatican expressed ''deep pain'' and faulted both sides for failing to find a peaceful solution. © Copyright Associated Press
  9. The Iraqi community in Vancouver has people in favour of both viewpoints (pro and anti invasion)
  10. There is a lot of mine-related traffic going up and down that road recently as they are trying to develop a molybdenite mine near Talc headwaters on the divide with Ruby Cr. Maybe why it is open later, mine guys working later trhan loggers, or being less rigorous about locking up. Which is nice if you are going for the Settler.
  11. i am waiting for the necro trask epic TR... frozen beer... eat partners frostbitten bits...dyno for the big jugs at Hooters...get lost in parking lot...inflatable sheep...
  12. If Russian tanks had been rolling into Seattle in the 1980's I'm sure TASS would have found some Americans willing to joyfully run out and embrace their "liberators" too
  13. mec does this too sometimes.....there was a famous incident where they sold a bunch of $215.00 crampons for $21.50 because of a misplaced decimal point on the price tag. of course the climbing desk staff knew all about it and made sure dirtbag friends got the "90% off" ones
  14. why aren't you giving Fejas shit about the phrase "jewin' a salesman" SC????
  15. it is usually locked on weekends and during "East Harrison party time" too.
  16. Dru

    Building a Rack

    You can also use the #6 and #7 Tricams as a belay/rappel device if you drop yours - this helpful tip courtesy of Marc Twight.
  17. Dru

    we'll never know

    if you must know check out the user list this is # 10053!!!
  18. yes do you think there is any good climbing in iraq jordan has a red rocks lookalike only without the casinos the bedouin werre soloing 5.9 barefoot in 800 ad according to the archeological evidence royal robins couldnt do it till when, 1959? how bout those arabs? rad crankers!
  19. probly not as much as we COULD what do you think other countries would do to us if they thought they could???? make fun of you like we do already
  20. that's the truth. those shots from baghdad look downright apocolyptic your tax dollars at work, so enjoy! im getting the war show for free!
  21. save time just put saddam and bush in the battlecage think of the ratings! better than superbowl!
  22. i bet they have been as successful as killing saddam as they have at killing osama i see they have retracted rumors of his death for the 4th time since invasion began what do you think they do if they catch him alive? just gun him down in cold blood? hold him prisoner for show trial with forged documents? ship him to libya? what huh?
  23. Dru


    News Flash Amazing???
  24. It's hard to lend any credence to your involvement in this discussion Dru. You're Canadian and Canada has been hiding behind the skirts of the U.S. for years. Canada refuses to join the U.S.-British coalition fighting Saddam, but they sure want to be involved in re-building Iraq afterwards (read: we want lucritive construction contracts without doing the hard work first). Greg W we will rebuild what you destroy thanks for the jobs suckas make love not war
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