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Everything posted by Dru

  1. like i said, i could be wrong... but you have to offer a better argument too. i wonder if it marks you at all on how fast you finish?
  2. Dru

    Executing POWs

    1) they are evil scum 2) same as your answer 2... the US used to do this (execute prisoners in front of other prisoners) in VietNam, and for all i know, still does whenm TV cameras aren't looking... 3) 1 and 2 together.
  3. bottom one has to be a circle - rows have same bottom shape all the way down. top row has a dark and a white, and in the middle nothing mid row has two white ends and dark middle bottom row has two dark ends so should have white middle i used a different reason than that to figure out the plus sign though, but i cant remember it. also how does your two to the right and up one theory, explain the shaded box with no symbols? at least in a magic square it could be zero. i dont think its a magic square at all, just a pattern recognition.
  4. but now, i say its the cross and white(empty) circle. maybe i'm wrong though, and that's why i didn't get 190
  5. its a cross and the circle, the big debate is is it a full or empty circle, and the answer depends on what meaning you give the empty (shaded) square i actually cant remember which one i said now though!!! beer
  6. you gotta be smart to get pagetops! bastard fortier!
  7. I was just gonna say the same thing... The one in the cirque and the one in the Adamants and the one near Fernie and the one near Second Beach in Stanley Park at night and the one...
  8. you know, it doesnt tell you the answer after you finish, why should I? but here's a hint: the overall thing is a magic square and adds to the same in any direction you have to figure out what each term means or maybe not but i want to see you all do the work in longhand! what were the answers again? tell me the answers and i'll show you which one I picked remember though, its not true-false scoring. you get points for every answer, but you get more points for some answers than others. thats how they can get a 45-190 spread from 40 questions.
  9. reverse beer goggles? like looking the wrong way down binoculars?
  10. Dru

    #5 Camalot

    Uncle Uli's!!!
  11. adaptation would you like a review afterwards?
  12. serves ya right cause that knot is so dumb, the only reason to tie in is to show yer old skool. works better than EBs.
  13. yeah here i am spraying online on 6 pm on a wednesday night... you guys are gonna make me feel guilty for going out to a movie later on tonight
  14. if you really wanna blow their mind tie in with a clove hitch bowline.
  15. Dru

    Yosemite ratings?

    dude, some josh routes are hard for their grade, and others are total gimme. generally at josh, the newer the easier, i find.
  16. old English porter. mmmmm. the beer Fern is not recommended to drink
  17. where was winona ryder when the stuff went missing huh?
  18. hell, the nwog.org bulletin board is flat out languishing. you can start a thread called "Jim Yoder pushed me too." maybe ScottP will chip in over there with more of the same links someone else already posted earlier in the thread the way he did with the offwidth thread here!
  19. ya but IQ tests are bunk anyways
  20. Dru

    #5 Camalot

    have you done it??? what other pro should i expect to use?? Split Beaver is a fist crack. All you need is some costalot size #3s and maybe a 3.5. I think that's compatible to a #4 friend? yeah but if you are a wimp and worried about cheese gratering out as you try to push up your piece the 4.5 is nice for the last few feet... what really helps for that climb is long arms to reach in and grab the chockstones... then you dont need OW technique.
  21. actually tomcat, the chances you suggest are only if it's purely random, like flipping a coin. if that was the case i'd be the coin standing on edge by your argument you could go up to the guy who won the lottery and say to him : "I don't believe you won the lottery cause the odds are against you" or the guy who get hit by lightning, cause it only happens to something like 300 North Americans per year, and say to him "there are 400 million North Americans so I dont believe you got hit by lightning". strangely enough i know 1 lottery winner and 2 guys who got hit by lightning.
  22. yeah its easy to hate ice climbing on the coast and easy to love it in da Rockies!!
  23. yeah, the average person' score nowadays would have put them in the top 1% in the 1930's. except the effect is the same no matter what test you use... so you cant claim they made the tests easier? you can look up Rupert Sheldrake on the web. don't read whatthe crackpots have to say about him (he attracts, and encourages, all sorts of pseudoscientists...) read what he says about his theories. is morphogenic, not morphogenetic, i made a mistake there.
  24. yeh... did you know that mean IQ scores have risen every year since they were invented? numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain this but none of them have been proven... however Sheldrake's "morphogenetic field" hypothesis has not been falsified yet either.
  25. well, if instead of deer, tiger was on the list, what would you have chosen then? i still would have chosen kangaroo, but its a lot more open to argument in the latter case, on account of the tiger being carnivorous and the roo herbivorous... however by cladistics, tiger is placental hence evolutionarily closer to horse than to roo... in fact, if it was tiger, donkey, pig, roo, rabbit or owl, what would you have guessed then? would you have realized it was the characters from Winnie the Pooh?
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