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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    stupid media, at the right level for stupid TV viewers.
  2. Dru


  3. ya but he waited for a real "high" high... like the week when the high is statistically highest over the year or something. probably when he saw the Yeti too.
  4. Dru


    Why you used it in such a context as you did is beyond me and the cause for the "Um...never mind." ...it wasn't important enough for further ponderance. next time try the thesaurus Entry: graceless Function: adjective Definition: clumsy Synonyms: awkward, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, boorish, clunky, coarse, corrupt, crude, forced, gauche, gawky, ill-mannered, improper, indecorous, inelegant, inept, infelicitous, klutzy, loutish, outlandish, rough, rude, shameless, tasteless, uncouth, unfortunate, ungainly, unhappy, unmannered, unmannerly, unsophisticated, vulgar,
  5. Dru


    maybe you should look up gullible on there, they spelled it wrong.
  6. Extreeeeeeeeeeme Alpinism says "dont drink OJ in the morning - too acidic" Then again a 4 egg, bacon, sausage, wafles, coffee, OJ breakfast is just the ticket before a day of ice climbing. I just find that i wake up in the AM for alpine climbing and have to get ready fast. Normally wake up kinda slow, takes me about an hour to make breakfast. But alpine start that won't do. So rice pudding is either prepackaged, or made the night before, no preparation required, all you have to do is eat. plus it's yummy, unlike bloatmeal. but anyways...its all good.
  7. Dru


    scattin' is like rapping except you dont have to make sense or rhyme on beat
  8. Dru

    I'm curious yellow

    this one
  9. I remember reading something in Science which debunked the whole myth. Although I did read somewhere that Messner waited for highest high pressure system before his solo oxgenless ascent of Everest... more pressure more oxygen available...
  10. Dru


    shebap a dewap a doop doop shoop doop a wallawalla bangibang bong, shibbididi dibbidi doo-wop boop boop bomb.
  11. the tough coughs as he ploughs the dough
  12. Dru


    could only find "left handed" on dictionary.com huh?
  13. Dru


    ...doop didi wop womaloma bang bang...
  14. Stafan, no, Im looking for a substitute for oatmeal for weekend alpine starts from home.
  15. Dru


    i subcontracted out my witty responses to trask too busy geting pagetops to focus on such minor details PS it is considered gauche to consider "your mama" replies to actually apply to one's mother "BRIGGS!" "yes sir!" "Do you want those Iraqi swine to rape your mother?" "My mother's dead, sir" "oh...sorry. THOMAS!" "yes sir!" etc.
  16. luxembourg for the luxembourgians they got all the mountains for belgium and netherlands... all two of em.
  17. Dru

    glaciers and sno-go

    somebody should let the guys on the pemberton icecap read that. except probably most of em can't read
  18. Dru

    Stop posting war news

    except the Greeks, cause its near & dear to them, and they're still hurting over the Trojan war.
  19. Dru

    Stop posting war news

    the near east is asia minor, namely Turkey. gobble gobble!
  20. Dru


    Those aren't ticks Dru. thanks for sharing scottpee i must have caught it from your mom
  21. Dru

    Stop posting war news

    Iraq my draws on a sling and my gear on my harness. what do you do?
  22. i hear you can lose bone mass from a prolonged stay at orbital elevations. must be the lack of oxygen.
  23. "now don't make me come up here and rescue you ever again!"
  24. yeah it exactly counterbalances attitude's point above dont tell the West Butt crew though they need something to brag about
  25. i hear you can make cheese from whale milk but its not recommended. too fishy. "Did ya send the dude out to the barn Tex?" "Yeah told him to make hisself useful" "well, he's a-tryin' ta milk the bull!"
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