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Everything posted by Dru

  1. someone fell on my dmm 4cu over the weekend and now the bottom loop is asymmetrical because the plastic-coated wire bent in the dirtection of loading. i don't think it makes a strength difference or anything.
  2. just be glad you don't like in alberta mikey - calgary got like 20cms of slushiez on saturday
  3. squamish was a little bit damp and humid saturday (it had stopped raining and the rock was mostly dry b4 we got there at 10 AM) - got about 5 rooutes in in da Bluffs. not crowded cause veryone but the road-trippers stayed home. sunday was sunny and warm climbed some more routes on the apron and the bluffs. my climbing partner took a good 15 foot whipper! all my apine bouldering scabs opened up and i pretty much bled a pint or so on most of the crack climbs i did. ewww look out for the scabs marking the way up the zip and wobbler!! monday (Victoria Day weekend) was awesome. all the american weekend crowd had gone home so the routes were not crowded wandered up sparrow into the new barley route into boomstick into the ultimate nothing-much, sunbathed on a few ledges, ate some gu, hiked down the trail. 30 pitches in 3 days, nothing to chest beat about but just thought i would grind it in a bit to those who stayed home because it was raining in Vancouver saturday morning. oh yeah. the BREW PUB has fixed its food and beer issues. the beer is yummy again and they have an actual chef doing the cooking its still a bit pricey though
  4. the chopper costs $1000 CDN per hour of flying. for the three of us to fly in and out cost just over $300 per person. you rate a thread with the little rate this thread box down at the bottom of the page (scroll to the bottom)
  5. Dru


    what a coincidence i just deleted 300 and 200 of them were from girls don't worry though ladies i kept the ones with digits!
  6. Dru

    RockFest 2004

    if you go to a climbing area you can always aid, hike around or look for booty if it rains if you stay home your chances of getting any climbing in are 0%
  7. Look out for the areas that got burned last year.
  8. Dru


  9. skinhead chix are hot
  10. Dru


    So there are all these sheep and lambs in a field across the road from my office. well a bald eagle just came in and made a dive at one of the lambs which I think is dying cause it has been lying there without moving much all day? But here is the weird part these two ravens have been hanging out on a fence post waiting for this lamb to kick the bucket, and they flew at the diving eagle and chased it away. Where's Marlon Perkins when ya need him? If I had a video camera here I could be selling live feed to the discovery Channel!
  11. Dru

    Close Talkers

    that's not close talking that's safe spotting! chick in black is dynoing for the roof holds
  12. "deep olympics" sounds like the reverse of the special olympics
  13. Dru

    Close Talkers

    i was at this house party once with rob munro and he was trying to convince me to go up to the tombstones to do a wall route. he hadn't bathed in a week and had bad breath too. he would get too close and i would back up a few steps. this went on for two hours i think he close-talked me through 3 different rooms until he saw some hot girl and forgot about the wall
  14. maybe it comes with a dinosaur pattern and threaded with froot loops?
  15. Dru

    Close Talkers

    You know who you are. WHY do you do this? WHY? My personal space is my space - not yours. Please do not invade it! I can hear you just fine from OVER THERE.
  16. just hit it with your purse
  17. Well obviously if the climb is any good it will be in Selected. This is why Smoot, Kearney and Nelson all list exactly the same climbs. I don't know why Beckey wastes our time listing all those other worthless routes or even incluides peaks that do not have selected routes on them
  18. climbing in the rain and drying out at snoboy's afterwards
  19. it will keep the crowds manageable!
  20. [polishbob]dude i did chitlins and at squamish it would be like 5 three[/polishbob]
  21. hey americans dont forget to bring your tents to squamish so we can burn them down after we gang up on you
  22. they might be skiable. the approach trail to the mine was brushed in 1999. you will have to walk further up the slesse cr road than listed in beckey to access, because in beckey guide you could drive to 11k, now you can only drive to 6km ish. i don't think people climb these routes much anymore. the lines hold snow and ice late in the summer they aren't all that steep (45) but have some bulges or thin sections from what i recall seeing.
  23. ya it just started gushing in abbotsford
  24. accidental having the most fun therefore bestest
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