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Everything posted by Dru

  1. noddermaker makes otter skull shocker!
  2. stylish euros, no shorts over polypro to be seen
  3. dude that's the Montezuma Diet! i bet you lost 10 lbs easy.
  4. chess is fun, i was on the chess team in high school but going to the gym is boring.
  5. How many dicks could a dikdik duck if a dikdik could duck dicks?
  6. Dru

    Ross Lake

    ya if you took a boat to get to hozomeen you would have to walk 500m from the dock to the trailhead
  7. tex agreed with you climbing is not golf but i like the exploration aspect of climbing vs. golfing not the fact the climbing is riskier. did you know that more golfers than climbers are killed by lightning every year? as to climbing vs. hiking, climbing is riskier, both have similar exploration factors, why do i like climbing more, is it for the risk? no it is because of the fact you can still make first ascents climbing but really this isn't all that possible hiking. also i do like to hike butto stand at the bottom of a mountain looking at it and then go away without climbing it seems like a cop out. so all you polypro over-short wearing faux-mountaineer hikers.
  8. well ya wtf do i know i swapped leads on 7 pitch route for my first lead ever. if only i had read a dozen books on how to do it first.
  9. dude i'm nevber getting beta from u the correct move here is to heel hook the tigers head and bust a dyno for the jug of stout just out of the picture
  10. Dru

    Photo Gallery

    shock horror don't you know that sport climbs are LONGER than boulder problems and require even more photos to provide move by move beta?????
  11. if you know how to create a multi-directional belay anchor, which you should already know if you are leading single pitch climbs, there is nothing really you need to know extra for multipitch. just go out and do it.
  12. So I was in vegas, and i met this girl, only she was really a guy but i didn't know it, and s/he said s/he was gonna suck my toes, but ow! s/he bit them off.... these pins are all that's holding them on!
  13. conservatives aren't getting banned or fairweather and peter puget would be long gone. you are trying to create class solidarity but you got banned for being an annoyance not a conservative, same as liberal me and my 6 banned avatars
  14. you know, i don't find risk all that alluring or i would drive around without a seatbelt, smoke 2 packs a day, have unprotected sex while being tattooed with a recycled needle, eat raw cow brain and walk 13 black cats under ladders while breaking a mirror...... what i like about climbing is not the risk but the challenge. i don't dislike the fact that sport climbing is less risky than trad climbing but i do dislike the fact it is less challenging to clip up a line of pre-placed draws than to search out a series of gear placements while route finding up a featureless alpine face. some challenges have inherent risks (loose rock, seracs, weather, commitment) and some challenges don't (pulling a low v4 with 4 spotters and 6 mats) but the challenge, not the risk, is what appeals to me in climbing.
  15. I blame COBRA for boosting up the UV with that damn weather controllere.
  16. OMFG it's fashion crime central they are TEACHING this to impressionable newbies? I bet they teach them to grow full-face food-flecked beards too!
  17. when you say that you intend to get back on it does that mean you failed to top out then? were you on the aid route or one of the burdo free routes?
  18. but wait a sec dark coloured materials will absorb more and reflect less UV than light coloured materials and therefore wil deteriorate FASTER all you "dark coloured slings are easier to check for damage" guys yeah and you will have to replace them twice as often too!
  19. www.mountainguide.com
  20. Ask Alpine K... He couldn't keep up. I can see like most conservatives you are too dumb to understand and answer a simple question so I will make it even simpler. Did you have 14 separate avatars banned, or did the same avatar get banned 14 times, in which case, what sympathetic moderator restored you? And if so how much did you do???
  21. what's the difference between God and a mountain guide - God doesn't tell everyone he's a mountain guide when he's drunk
  22. how did you get banned 14 times in one night waaaahmbulance boy?
  23. Dru


    Land Ho! Arrrrrrrrr!
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