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Everything posted by Dru

  1. damn man when's sandrine levet gonna climb everest
  2. Dru

    June 15

    New Beastie Boys album
  3. Oh yeah I only free solo with a rope now
  4. Dru

    Photo Caption?

    1-800-GO-MOUNTIE gomountie.com
  5. Stawamus Chief, Malemute, Seal Cove, Copper Cove, Lighthouse Park
  6. Dru


    Is a Distel trap anything like a Heffalump trap?
  7. what does a search for "formerly girlclimber" come up with? transvestites?
  8. Brashears bolts a hold on granite for Araceli + Annabbelle hugs Brashears as shown on her front page! The connection is obvious. I'm gonna go bolt a bunch of holds onto walls at Squamish and IMAX film myself doing it.
  9. she's no more attention whore than any other everest dog route poser like Lene Gammelgard or Byron the Albertan. but she IS hot! va va voom!
  10. Dru

    Photo Caption?

  11. 1) big & little Cottonwood Canyons 2) CANYONING CANYONING CANYONING!!! 3) City of Rocks Really if its at all hot canyoning will be more fun than climbing.... my 2 cents.
  12. I'd never say annabelle sucks, but I can dream
  13. this is an umbilical, and umbilicals ARE aid. why not just use a good, not detachable leash system in the first place instead of leashless or clipper tools with umbilicals?
  14. you must be thinking of something else cause i have never even seen the grivel clip system except for the silly old one with the biner.
  15. Dru

    ultimate geek out!

    not just chainmail but a utilikilt
  16. I can't read the page you referenced because I've been banned
  17. or praise annabelle. she fine!!!!
  18. i have only seen the peztl charlet clipper in the store and from what i saw, and based on the opinions of other knowledgeable persons, it isn't all that good 1) hard to use with gloves on 2) attaches to a bolt which can apparently shear off or be damaged fairly easily.
  19. $ 1 CDN = $0.72 USD at the moment.
  20. i rapped off a single sling in the alpine one year that i placed myself. went back next year by a different route to the same descent and my sling from the year before was so uv-bleached and rotted it broke when i pulled on it. obviously this doesn't happen all the time but it can.
  21. let's not forget there are more cc'commers than just kurt who have attempted everest, i was climbing with one of them just last week
  22. you make it sound like a threesome
  23. Dru

    love is hard work

    Dude that tree sounds like the town of Spectre!!!!!
  24. Dru

    ultimate geek out!

    yeah i'll show him!
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