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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    What's for lunch

    Its more like the dishwasher was half way through the cycle before i woke up enough to realize i needed a knife. anyways once i get hungry enough this is gonna taste real good!
  2. Dru

    Stupid Car Names

    pontiac asstek
  3. Dru

    What's for lunch

    All the knives were in dishwasher. Forgot to do dishes before going to Haida islands.
  4. Dru

    What's for lunch

    Ledge for lunch Back on topic.. today's lunch is minimalist. Knife was in dish washer so i have 2 pieces of bread, a tomato, a cucumber, and the remains of a wheel of cachiavallo in a bag.
  5. What was I thinking of saying S is for Snow and Skiing and Seracs in the Alpine ABCs? S is definitely for Spooning. Choose your alpine partners based on their cuddle potential....
  6. I've never been "trained" in any of that, but I have done most of it . Does advanced cover using the Jaws of Life
  7. Yeah. My boss is cool too.
  8. A limpet is like a single octopus sucker minus the tentacle, and wearing one of those old school Chinese hats.
  9. They said there is only snow down to the ground for a week per year. Otherwise it would be water ice heaven over there.
  10. Meth precursor.
  11. Dru


    Barbed hooks are cruel.
  12. Dru

    Free Advice

    Have you tried begging, huh?
  13. Types of falls? TR falls Lead falls that are "clean" Lead falls where you hit something Lead falls where you hit the ground Soloing falls Falls where you rip off enough rock that you hit your belayer with it and knock him or her out so they lose control of the belay and then you fall and land on them... don't laugh, cause it actually happened at Vantage! Falls of rock and/or ice from above Falls of large amounts of rock and ice from high above where a helmet would be irrelevant Frozen water falls Not quite frozen waterfalls Slush Falling freshiez Fall leaves Falling into blackness Or if not then what exactly do you mean?
  14. Dru

    Great white coolness

    Free the shark!
  15. Maybe they could string a Gondola from the summit of Adams to the summit of St Helens. That would be a cool ride. The only way they could make it better would be if instead of a gondola, they had a suspension bridge you could drive a snowmobile on.
  16. yeah that's a good one.
  17. film camera. except for the bouldering but i had this other guy take them and they sucked. you dont want to see my caulk boot technique anyways.
  18. There are only two sure things in life - death and taxes. And some tax money goes to support you dealing out death. Synergy.
  19. Dru

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    Did you know you can right click on the main page and "Add This Page to Favorites"
  20. Or "Slender"? No fat gapers need apply. Return to slendor Address unknown No such number No such Bone.
  21. Pickets suck. Flukes suck. Just use rock pro. My two bits.
  22. Isn't this DVD to Big Screen reverse marketting the same method that the Christians used to get Veggie Tales in to general distribution? Sounds like the Left is learning from the right.
  23. Climb: Haida Gwaii-Some Bushwack Date of Climb: 9/13/2004 Trip Report: I went to work on these islands off the coast of Northern BC for a couple of days. The highest mountain is like 4000' but treeline is at 2000' so there is some very low alpine. I saw salmon spawning on an old logging road...they must have been desperate! Fallow deer have been introduced to the island. The bears only eat fish so the deer have no predators as the islands are too far out at sea to have cougars or wolves. [Either that or they used to have them but they went extinct. Don't know for sure]. These deer are everywhere. We saw like 30-50 a day. Hunter take note the bag limit was recently revised upwards from 10 a year to 15 a year. The browse pressure is so intense, devils' club ("tsi'liihn jaaw" in Haida) is considered an endangered species worthy of protection..... The rock is pretty crappy. Pillow lava and sea floor sediments mostly, some limestone, little bit of granite. I did scope one clean looking 400m wall with chimneys across a bay. It might be horribly loose. I found a little bit of beach bouldering but hardly destination bouldering area unless you like limpets! I would go back. The surf is rad. The whole area seemed like Tofino before the rich New Agers moved in. Gear Notes: Rain gear, rented 4wd. Approach Notes: Pot holed logging roads. 6 hr ferry or 2 hr plane ride. Wet bushwacks. No devils club but lots of alder!
  24. Your New Wave A3 Is My Post-Rock French Free
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