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Everything posted by Dru

  1. The sad thing is that it sounds like this stupid tram, unlike the Chief gondola, actually has more than a 50% chance of recieving permission to be built. Dumb ass Chwk council is all over this and rezoning land at the proposed base station...
  2. You dont think its bleeding cause he SHOT it do you... If that was a Scotsman and a sheep instead of an Inuit and a caribou would you make the same mistake?
  3. Is any of this alpine-y Spain stuff in season later in the year or is winter in Spain just sunny lowland cragging and cold ice and mixed in the Pyrenees?
  4. Greg I think this is cool. The only thing i want to know is why the rowing to Aconcagua. Why not just ride bike all the way? People drive all the way to Cerro Torre from the PNW - see Alpinist 7
  5. Dru


    "Swift Camel Veterans For Truth"
  6. Never has the saying "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye [or gets stitches]" seemed more relevant.
  7. Hey, don't be dissin Zamfir. Those pan pipes are harder to play than a harmonica anyways...
  8. This is a better photo than the one you put on biv...I think. I like this one better. Yeah but the file size of this one was like 200K so it didnt go on bivouac with that 150k size limit very well.
  9. Rexford with frosted sugar coating!
  10. c'mon everyone knows DFA is really Iain. I heard a rumor Alan Watts is gonna show up asnd sign copies of the NEW GUIDEBOOK
  11. thats why I am asking, I can not figure out why he was using a tiblock along with an ATC while belaying someone form the top of a climb cause he was SKETCH!!!!!!!
  12. You have otter envy.
  13. Just hand over hand it or free solo that'll show them
  14. This would be a TR but all I did was hike around and gape. The gate was closed but not locked. I walked in anyways to avoid the possibility of being locked in. The gate was still unlocked when I came out. I could have avoided 12km of hiking. Where the ford has been removed you can get across at current water levels by crawling along a logjam 100m downstream. Then bushwacking through devils club back to the road. The road is getting kind of overgrown past the river crossing. 3 years ago this was veggie-free and driveable. I was hiking up here to scout out the Priest/Coupe couloir. This is one of the rare Chilliwack Valley alpine ice climbs. It looks like it's in good shape albeit with some serac/schrunds right at the bottom to get through and maybe a bit of snow covered rock at the top to the Nesakwatch/Rexford col. Lindeman looked purty with a sugar coating of frosted freshiez too. Silhouette of the Nesakwatch Spires with "Nesakwatch Notch" at right. Hopefully this winter... Oh yes I saw an otter splashing around in one of the salmon spawning channels near the road on the way in.
  15. Maybe climbing a rope frayed by dozens of gapers with Tiblocs will actually inject some "adventure" into your fixed-rope marked-course race. You could always use a prusik.
  16. Yes, I saw a real live otter today in the Chilliwack Valley It wasn't nailing paper plates to trees either!
  17. "adventure races" are silly. that's what I think
  18. Jordop is just wishing there is a guidebook not cause he wants to repeat a route but cause he wants to do one of those Layton Style 5.10bXR "first ascent" thingys and ifn he finds a soft iron pin on the 9th pitch his day will be ruined and his plans for chest thumpin in the AAJ will be defeated.
  19. Silly _poo, this thread is bigger than any of us. Except for the Otter! Oh.my.god!
  20. I believe that we should nominate this thread as one of the "Cascade Jewels", right up there with Koala Rock and Donald Duck Rock.
  21. if the only thing holding you back from a successful redpoint is the weight of your harness, you are just weak.
  22. Dude that is just the grizzly and black bear joke with the location moved to Mozambique and blacks and griz replaced with cubs and lions
  23. Winter is coming Where is the unclimbed ice? I have been reading about the famous climbers and think I would like to make one of these "first ascents". Please post details of how to find secret unclimbed ice here. Thanks
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